Jun 06 – Special Homily – Fr Ignatius: Sacred Heart Biblical

By June 6, 2008October 27th, 2011Fr. Ignatius Manfredonia, Homily
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Homily #080606s ( 08min) Play - On this First Friday of June, Fr. Ignatius preaches on the biblical foundations of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to which this homeschooler's Mass is dedicated. He points out that the heart has always been considered the center of our being and heart is mentioned over 800 times in the Old Testament and this is applied to God many times especially in Jeremiah and Job. Once Jesus becomes incarnate then these passages can be applied literally to His Heart.
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  • Set All Afire says:

    Father Ignatius,
    You mentioned Psalm 22 that Jesus cried out to God in anguish. Having never realizing that ?My God My God why have you forsaken me?? came from the psalm I went on to read it. Psalm 22 speaks of the chosen people trusting in the Lord and being rescued, and in God they trusted and were not disappointed. It then later states that ?All the ends of the earth will worship and turn to the Lord?The generation to come will be told of the Lord, that they may proclaim to a people yet unborn the deliverance you have brought.? Now here is my point or my question if you will. If Catholics refuse to trust in the Lord through his sacred heart, along with his mother?s immaculate heart, are they the Bulls that surround Our Lord opening their mouths against Him? Is Jesus calling out to his Father in this psalm or crying out to his flock?

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