FiNews #33 – Knights and Squires Encampment May 2008

By May 3, 2008May 5th, 2008Family, Fi News, Youth
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Ave Maria!

This exciting video of Doug Barry's Radix Boot Camp has been edited from footage captured a the last Knights and Squires Encampment in Griswold Connecticut, held last Fall. We will be running the Encampment and Boot Camp again on the Weekend of May 23-25. Doug will not be there, but we hope to have him come for the Fall Encampment.

For more on this, check out MaryVictrix.
Fr Angelo

Author Fr Angelo

I am Franciscan Friar of the Immaculate, and a priest for more than twenty years. I am now studying in Rome for my licentiate in Theology.

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Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Brother Skeet says:

    Great footage…

    God willing Doug will be back this October for teh fall encampmnet.
    While I’m on teh topic of encampments, help is needed by strong men and boys to get ready for teh Spring encampment. Help is requested, desired, and being prayed for as we speak.

    Work Days are ALL THE SATURDAYS leadng up to the encampment (Memorial day weekend) From 9-5:30 any help is greatfully appreciated. You do not have to spend teh whole day helping out anytime you can provide will be graciously accepted. All for Jesus and Mary.

  • Other Mary says:

    Excellent video! The excitement is truly building for the next camp! This video was especially nice for us moms to get a glimpse of what happens at the camp, as words just can’t really capture it well (and men and boys aren’t really known for much in the way of words to begin with!)

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