Apr 29 – Homily – Fr. Angelo: St. Catherine of Siena

By April 29, 2008October 27th, 2011Fr. Angelo Geiger, Homily
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Homily #080429 ( 12min) Play - St. Catherine of Siena lived in a very difficult time for the Church. We too live in very difficult times. Times of confusion within the Church and times when it is very difficult to be a Catholic. Let us pray to St. Catherine to intercede for us during these very difficult times.
Ave Maria! Mass readings

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  • susan says:

    Ave Maria!

    I just got to take in Father Angelo’s homily on St. Catherine of Siena. His words about pursuing our own holiness before giving in to distractions are so true. We hear so much criticism about the church from those who think they would make it over into their own vision, instead of seeking to understand and obey what Jesus’s vision is. Many of these criticisms of the church’s direction, come from people (many religious) who are living far from holy lives themselves. They are patently hypocritical so defeat their own purpose!

    All who know Father Angelo as a living example of what he preaches, can understand when I say, that as I hear his words, my heart is immediately joyful, because it knows when the truth has landed upon it!

    Deo Gratius

    Ave Maria!

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