Apr 06 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: Jesus the Good Shepherd
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Homily #080406 ( 10min) Play - In this special Traditional Latin Mass the reading for the day is Jesus the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for the sake of his sheep. We, the sheep, are in great need of a shepherd to?be gathered into one fold,?and to be fed with the truth, who is Jesus himself, the bread of life. Fr compares this with the order of the Mass and to the work of the Holy Father, Christ's Vicar.
Ave Maria! Readings from I Peter, Gospel of John
Fr. Ignatius,
We were able to attend this beautiful TLM last Sunday at the friary. It was a nice touch that the video editor was able to intersperse the concecration clip from the Mass at the very time when you were speaking of being fed by the Eucharist in your homily.
It would be nice if parishes could give these TLM information sessions, but alas, many USA bishops are not friendly to the “extraordinary form” of the liturgy, even with the recent moto proproio.
Thank you for leading the way and for having a Superior General who reveres the sacred traditions of Holy Mother Church.
In corde Jesu et Maria,
The Festa Family