Nov 15 – Fr. Michael Gauvreau: St. Albert the Great

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Ave Maria!

News on Homilies:?

New Look to our homily videos with a new introduction and finale showing some of the interior of the Chapel and featuring Gregorian Chant from the Friars. Still needs some work but here it goes. The homilies for Monday Nov 12th and Wednesday the 14th were lost due to technical difficulties. Sorry about that! We have over 200 homilies on line. Deo Gratias

Fr. Michael Gauvreau gives the homily on St. Albert the Great's feast day. He focuses on how St. Albert (the teacher of St. Thomas Aquinas) taught that knowledge of this world can help us to grow closer to God and should not lead to intellectual pride. He points out that St. Albert showed his humility by accepting very gracefully the loss of his great intellectual capabilities?in his old age.

Ave Maria!

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