Audio – FiNews: Fr. Elias Guest at WHOJ Radio on CoRedemption Conference

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Ave Maria!

Fr. Elias is a guest at WHOJ hosted by Msgr. Larry Moran in Terre Haute, Indiana to promote the Behold Your Mother Marian Conference at Our Lady of Greenwood Parish in Greenwood, Indiana on Saturday Oct 13th, the 90th Anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, Portugal. Come listen and learn about this very unique Marian Conference.

Ave Maria!

Author apostolate

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  • Donna says:

    I was just browsing the net on December 8, when I saw Fr. Elias. I was touched by your Homilies. I am learning a lot, some are funny and interesting though, like the chimpazee, I enjoyed listening to you.

    Being a nurse, myself, I listened to your homily on the culture of life and death. Your homily is great. I am still browsing where the Miraculous Medal mini video is, but I read the articles. I had considered the Miraculous Medal as an old time tradition. I used to have one but its gone. I want to have one or two or more to give out to friends, and make them aware of the Blessed Mother and her Maternal Love to all Mankind.

    Ave Maria

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