Sept 28 – Fr Michael Gauvreal – St Michael, St Gabriel, St Raphael Archangels

By September 29, 2007October 27th, 2011Fr. Michael Gauvreau, Homily
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Ave Maria!

Today we celebrate the great feast of Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Gabriel the Archangel, and Saint Raphael the Archangel.

Now one of the things that was important to the early Church fathers is the teaching on the holy angels and at one point each angel had their own designated day for a feast day but then they decided to move both Saint Gabriel and Saint Raphael to September 29th which was originally Saint Michaels feast day.

Ave Maria!


Author apostolate

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  • renee ollerenshaw says:

    thankyou for a great homily on these wonderful angels.

  • Mare says:

    Father Michael’s homily was wonderful! A friend told me about your website and tonght when I checked it out I came to the homily for today and am so impressed. I love the angels but was enthralled at learning how much more there is to the angelic world from Father’s homily. It was so informative in such a short span of time. I feel that what I have watched tonight has really increased my faith, and my devotion to the angels especially and the archangels (and their unity). What intrigues me is the part Father pointed out that the angels have the same job as messenger, but they do not have the same natures. That is so fascinating and really shows a minute side of God’s omnipotence, considering the millions of millions etc… of angels there are. And then I think St. Thomas Aquinas taught that even the stars have their angels to keep them on their course in the cosmos. That’s amazing. Thanks Father Michael for your homily… and happy feast day!

  • Maureen Craig says:

    Father Michael I was just so amazed to hear this homily and to have learned so much about the Archangels especially the history of Saint Michael the defender of the battle of evil in everyones life today as well as in the early days. Thank you and God Bless you Aunt Maureen

  • Theresa Pregent says:

    Hello, Fr. Michael!

    I was especially interested in your argument that Saint Michael is the most marian of the angels because he had to accept her role in salvation history as the mother of God, elevating her even above the angels who are spiritual in nature. This is truly amazing and humbling to think about. It must have been difficult for the angels, these pure spiritual beings to fathom – How much God does love us!

    God bless you always,
    Theresa Pregent

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