Video – Fr Maximilian – The Cornerstone #26: Test of the Angels

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Ave Maria!

According to the Franciscan thesis, Saints and Angels alike were predestined to grace and glory in Christ. "For it has pleased God the Father that in Him all His fullness should dwell, and that He should lead all things to unity [apokatallaxai] in Christ, whether on the earth or in the heavens..." (Col 1:19-20). The Angels are under the headship of Christ and receive grace and glory through His mediation as the "firstborn of every creature" (Col. 1:15). Interestingly, the Franciscan position on the test of the angelic spirits is this: they were shown the mystery of Christ, namely, that God in the Person of the Word would assume a created nature lower than theirs and that they would have to serve the Human Nature of Christ their King and God. The bad angels, the demons, said with Satan: non serviam (I will not serve). Whereas St. Michael and the good Angels declared, "Who is like unto God?". Watch and learn more about the test of the Angels.

Ave Maria!

Author apostolate

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Join the discussion 6 Comments

  • Xavier says:

    Ave Maria!

    You’ve forgotten to add the caption and the video duration. Just letting you know!

  • apostolate says:

    Ave Maria!

    Thanks Xavier. It looks better now.

  • Dale says:

    Ave Maria!

    Episode #26 stalls in playback at 5 minutes 2 seconds. This is the second episode with this problem. I left a comment under #24 which does a similar thing earlier in the playback.

    Thanks for the series. I have been waiting for this particular episode from the beginning wondering if it would be addressed.


  • Mount St Francis Hermitage says:

    Ave Maria!

    Thanks for the heads up. The original is fine; so it is a corrupted file. We will try to have an uncorrupted file for 24 & 26 by tomorrow. God bless…

    fr maximilian mary

  • Dale says:

    Ave Maria!

    Good morning Father …

    I checked again this morning. #24 still stalls at 2:45 in its play and #26 stalls at 5:02 in its play. This happens both on my Mac and the PC I’m using now. If you haven’t updated the files yet, that would explain.

    Meanwhile, I’ll continue with #27 when I get time.

    Dominus vobiscum …


  • apostolate says:

    Ave Maria!


    We finally got this problem taken care of. Thanks for the info and your patience.

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