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By September 24, 2007December 2nd, 2022Ave Maria Meditations, JosephMary, Saints

From Ave Maria Meditations
by JosephMary

Padre Pio

Padre Pio’s Prayer After Holy Communion

Stay with me, Lord, for it is necessary to have You present so that I do not forget You; You know how easily I abandon You.

Stay with me, Lord, because I am weak and I need Your strength, that I may not fall so often.

Stay with me, Lord, for You are my life and without You I am without fervor.

Stay with me, Lord, for You are my light and without You I am in darkness.

Stay with me, Lord, to show me Your will.

Stay with me, Lord, so that I hear Your voice and follow You.

Stay with me, Lord, for I desire to love You very much and alway be in Your company.

Stay with me, Lord, if You wish me to be faithful to You.

?Stay with me, Lord, as poor as my soul is I want it to be a place of consolation for You, a nest of Love.

Stay with me, Jesus, for it is getting late and the day is coming to a close and life passes,??death, judgment and eternity approaches.

It is necessary to renew my strength, so that I will not stop along the way and for that,?I need You.

It is getting late and death approaches, I fear the darkness, the temptations, the dryness, the cross, the sorrows.

O how I need You, my Jesus, in this night of exile!

Stay with me tonight, Jesus, in life with all its dangers, I need You.

Let me recognize You as Your disciples did at the breaking of the bread, so that the Eucharistic Communion be the Light which disperses the darkness, the force which sustains me, the unique joy of my heart.

Stay with me, Lord, because at the hour of my death, I want to remain united to You, if not by Communion, at least by grace and love.

Stay with me, Lord, for it is You alone I look for, Your Love, Your Grace, Your Will, Your Heart, Your Spirit, because I love You and ask no other reward but to love You more and more.

With a firm love, I will love You with all my heart while on earth and continue to love You perfectly during all eternity.




I have often raised my hand in the silence of the night and in my solitary cell, blessing you all and presenting you to Jesus and to our father, St. Francis of Assisi.


O Jesus, impart to me also that same strength, when my weak nature foreseeing future evils rebels, so that like Thou, I may accept with serene peace and tranquility all the pains and distress which I may meet on this earth of exile. I unite all to Thy merits, to Thy pains, Thy ex?piations, Thy tears, that I may cooperate with Thee for my salvation and flee from sin, which was the sole cause of making Thee sweat blood and which led Thee to death. Destroy in me everything that does not please Thee, and with the sacred fire of Thy love write Thy sufferings into my heart. Hold me so closely to Thee, with a bond so tight and so sweet, that I shall never again abandon Thee in Thy Sufferings. May I be able to rest on Thy Heart to obtain comfort in the sufferings of life. May my spirit have no other desire but to live at Thy side in the Garden and unite itself to the pains of Thy Heart. May my soul be inebriated with Thy Blood and feed itself with the bread of Thy suffer?ings. Amen.


PP and the madonna


The prayer that Padre Pio preferred was the Holy Rosary. He loved it and recited it so that he could be called a “saint of the Rosary.” “If one did not see Padre Pio at the altar or in the confessional, it was likely one would see him holding and praying his Rosary. From the time he was a boy he loved the Rosary. His first visit to a Marian shrine was the visit he paid to the shrine of the Madonna of the Rosary of Pompei.

From the time the Madonna appeared at Fatima as the Madonna of the Rosary and urged the Rosary as a powerful prayer for winning every blessing and banishing every evil, Padre Pio adopted the Rosary as the prayer he said ceaselessly and tirelessly day after day. He said, ” If the Holy Virgin has urged the Rosary wherever she has appeared in her (recent) visions, doesn’t it seem that we have a special motive for praying it?”?

The more the number of his spiritual children grew and spread out, the more he increased the Rosaries he would recite. It was with the Rosary that he banished sickness and obtained graces. He reached the point of reciting, in the course of a day, an inconceivable number of Rosaries. He spoke of the fact a number of times different people.

These facts bear out principally two things: first, that Padre Pio prayed uninterruptedly, having that mystical gift that some great Saints have had of prayer ?even while asleep or doing other things; second, it s evident that this uninterrupted prayer was something all Marian, as it all consisted of Rosaries.?Here is something he said that eloquently preaches excellency of the Rosary: “I wish days had forty-eight hours?so that we could double our?Rosaries!”

Needless to say that the whole array of gifts and miracles that Padre Pio used for souls came about through the Rosary.? His power to draw sinners and stray souls who came from everywhere was the fruit of his Rosaries. All his projects and enlightened counsels and his victories over sin were linked with the power of the Rosary. ? Ceaselessly praying the Rosary, he also upheld the truth that Mary is Mediatrix of all graces of which St. Bernard said, “The Lord gives nothing but what passes through the hands of the Queen of Heaven.”?

Needless to say Padre Pio used to urge people with all his zeal to pray the Rosary. He gave away countless Rosaries. Someone asked him one day what the inheritance would be that he would leave his spiritual children. He answered at once, “The Rosary??. ?Someone else asked him what prayer to choose for use throughout one’s life. He promptly replied, ” The Rosary.”

?Shortly before his death, some of his spiritual children asked him for some words of wisdom. He answered, “Love the Madonna and make her loved by others. Always pray the Rosary??. Day and night Padre Pio used to entrust to the Madonna his spiritual children and his Home for the Relief of Suffering.??

PP and confession


He counted frequent confession important for him ?self and for others. He made his own confession at least every week, and often several times a week, without counting those periods when he went to confession every day to whatever priest was at hand. As for others, he wanted weekly confession to serve as a golden rule of the Christian life. Even during the years when great throngs were coming to him, he never wanted his spiritual children to stay away from confession more than ten days.

He counted frequent confession important for him ?self and for others. He made his own confession at least every week, and often several times a week, without counting those periods when he went to confession every day to whatever priest was at hand. As for others, he wanted weekly confession to serve as a golden rule of the Christian life. Even during the years when great throngs were coming to him, he never wanted his spiritual children to stay away from confes ?sion more than ten days.Once a spiritual daughter carelessly let a month pass without coming to confession. When she came to Padre Pio and told him that she had not gone to con ?fession for a month, she received a severe rebuke from him, “Oh, how neglectful! That you would not yet under ?stand the value of confession and what you lost by ne?glecting this sacrament!”For Padre Pio was convinced that confession is a powerful means not only for removing sins, but also for increasing divine grace. He taught that an atom of grace is worth more than the whole created universe.

(excerpts from Padre Pio of Pietrelcina by Fr. Stefano Manelli, F.I. )



“A thousand years of glory in palaces of men cannot be worth the sweetness of one hour spent before the tabernacle.”

–Padre Pio would describe himself as just a “friar who prays’.


young PP

St. Pio of Pietrelcina was born Francesco Forgione in 1887. He entered the Franciscan Capuchin Order at age 15 as Brother Pio. He was ordained on August 10, 1910. While praying before a cross, he received the stigmata on September 20, 1918, the first priest ever to be so blessed. His obedience to superiors was heroic. He would hear confessions by the hour, reportedly able to read the consciences of those who held back. He became very well known during his lifetime and people would wait for days to have the opportunity to confess to him. Many miracles were associated with his intercession during his lifetime and among the supernatural gifts he had was the gift of bilocation. He had a great love for the Mother of God and prayed the rosary continually. He founded the House for the Relief of Suffering in 1956, a hospital that serves 60,000 a year. He died in 1968 and was canonized by Pope John Paul II in 2002.

St. Pio of Pietrelcina was born Francesco Forgione in 1887. He entered the Franciscan Capuchin Order at age 15 as Brother Pio. He was ordained on August 10, 1910. While praying before a cross, he received the stigmata on September 20, 1918, the first priest ever to be so blessed. His obedience to superiors was heroic. He would hear confessions by the hour, reportedly able to read the consciences of those who held back. He became very well known during his lifetime and people would wait for days to have the opportunity to confess to him. Many miracles were associated with his intercession during his lifetime and among the supernatural gifts he had was the gift of bilocation. He had a great love for the Mother of God and prayed the rosary continually. He founded the House for the Relief of Suffering in 1956, a hospital that serves 60,000 a year. He died in 1968 and was canonized by Pope John Paul II in 2002.

St. Pio of Pietrelcina was born Francesco Forgione in 1887. He entered the Franciscan Capuchin Order at age 15 as Brother Pio. He was ordained on August 10, 1910. While praying before a cross, he received the stigmata on September 20, 1918, the first priest ever to be so blessed. His obedience to superiors was heroic. He would hear confessions by the hour, reportedly able to read the consciences of those who held back. He became very well known during his lifetime and people would wait for days to have the opportunity to confess to him. Many miracles were associated with his intercession during his lifetime and among the supernatural gifts he had was the gift of bilocation. He had a great love for the Mother of God and prayed the rosary continually. He founded the House for the Relief of Suffering in 1956, a hospital that serves 60,000 a year. He died in 1968 and was canonized by Pope John Paul II in 2002.



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Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Nancy F. says:

    Thank you. I really needed this, today. God bless you.

  • Cathy says:

    Thank you for Padre Pio’s prayer after Holy Communion.

    I have a Padre Pio reminder on my work computer – Pray, hope and don’t worry. I find myself checking it throughout the day.

    God Bless You All for the wonderful web-site.

    Ave Maria

  • Greg says:

    Spectacular! Thank you for sharing the previous excerpts with us. Some of us learned from our parents about St. Pio, some us even recieved tanglible signs from this pious soul. I only wish he were alive today, to visit him would be the experience of a lifetime.



  • Anthony says:

    Saint Padre Pio has been a part of my life since the moment of my birth in 1950. I was born in a small country hospital in the farming community of Exeter California. I was my parents 7th child. They would have 7 more after me.

    My mother went into labor early in the morning and my father, a ranch forman at the time drove her to the hospital. She layed in great pain all day long. I was breach. she was told that if I did not turn that my arms would be broken on delivery. She prayed all through the day. Days before she had read of the life and miracles of Padre Pio, a monk in Italy. She prayed for him to pray with her. She became drowsy and relaxed. She awoke in a cloudy daze and saw a man in a brown road leaving her room. The nurse entered a short time later and found that I had turned and was ready for delivery. Mom asked the nurse if the priest she had seen leaving had come to give her the Last rights. The nurse said there had been no visitors. I was born at midnight.

    Almost 30 years later I by chance met that nurse in a pool room in Brawly California, near the Salton Sea. She remembered that day (it was a very small hospital in a very small town and I have an unusual last name) and told me the story just as my mother had several times before.

    Years later at the age of twelve. I too had a visit from a monk in a brown robe. I had suffered all my childhood from epilysy. My father would allways hear me in the night or a sibling would alert him to my condition. He would come in to my room, hold my head and pull my tounge forward so that I could breath. I was often carried out to the front lawn to an awaiting fire truck and given oxygen.

    The night that I saw the monk I was alone in my room. I began to convulse. I knew that I couldn’t be heard. I tried desperately to bring myself out of the siesure, but I was beginning to weaken. I saw a glowing light behind my head and a shadow of a man on the wall at the foot of my bead. An arm reached out of no where and lifted my head. I remember the touch of a warm hand and the brown sleave was brushing against my cheek and neck. I was calmed and all was well. I saw a monk in a brown robe leave my room through the door without opening it. I fell asleep. I am 57 years old now and have not had a siesure since that night.

    This all happened while St. Padre Pio was still alive.

    Now I live alone and miss our nightly family Rosary. We as a family would all kneel and pray the Rosary every night in the living room.
    Since I have read this article I have begun saying the Rosary again each night and I ask Padre Pio to say it with me. The two of us are never alone, because where the two of us are, Christ is there also.

    Thank you so very much for putting this article out there…it has awaken me.

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