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Sept 24 – Mary Vitamin September 24th: Eucharistic Lamb and His pasture

By September 24, 2007Mary Vitamin

Ave Maria!

Mary Vitamin for September 24th

Topic: Eucharistic Lamb and His pasture

St. Peter Julian Eymard
??Hail, Mary, holy mountain upon which the Eucharistic Lamb found pasturage.??
Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament (Eymard Library: ), 71. [Eleventh Day]

??Ah, yes! The Eucharist began at Bethlehem in Mary’s arms. It was she who brought to humanity the Bread for which it was famishing, and which alone can nourish it. She took care of that Bread for us. It was she who nourished the Lamb whose life-giving flesh we feed upon.??
Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament (Eymard Library: ), 71.
[Eleventh Day]

In this chapter of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, St. Peter Julian Eymard recommends to ” constantly ask Mary to give us Jesus.??
I will remember his suggestion and try to repeat one time today the beautiful aspiration of a saint
??Hail, Mary, holy mountain??
Upon which the Eucharistic Lamb found pasturage.??

Marian Vow:
Father Manelli writes in the Marian Seraphic Pathways
??This Marian character is not an act of devotion made or recited in a determined moment but is a soul found in each part of our body and presiding over our every thought, word and deed.??
Our Lady comes to my soul to tend the pasture of my soul; to make the grass of my soul green . She will water me with her virtues and then I can hope that the Eucharistic Lamb will take His rest with me in the pristine pasturage He desires.

I give this resolution to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Thanks be to God for graces received.


Mary Vitamin is a daily Email support for Marian mental prayer. Each day (Monday through Friday) members will receive a brief Marian quote with a corresponding Marian meditation and resolution. The Mary Vitamin is designed to make mental prayer a little simpler and bring Our Lady into your day in a systematic way.



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