Video – Fr Maximilian – The Cornerstone #25: Colossians 1:18

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Ave Maria!

A key for establishing the absolute primacy of Christ is the fact that the Word-made-flesh has a primacy over the Angels. In this episode Fr. Maximilian shows that for St. Paul and Bl. John Duns Scotus, Christ's headship is not simply over fallen mankind, but over the Angels as well. Christ is the "Head over every Principality and Power." (Col 2:17). His primacy is over "all things" (Col 1:18), both in the heavens (Angels) and on the earth (mankind). The headship and primacy of Christ over the Angels indicates that in God's eternal plan He willed one, and only one, economy of grace, namely gratia Christi. Otherwise we would have to maintain that there were two economies of grace: the first, original economy of grace, gratia Dei, for Angels and Adam and Eve; then a second, better economy of grace for fallen mankind (not the Angels, since they would be under the gratia Dei). But the Franciscan thesis, rooted solidly in Scripture and Tradition, holds that God's plan was always and only that Angels and Saints were to receive all graces through Jesus Christ as their Head, sin or no sin.

Ave Maria!

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