Video – Fr. Angelo – Standing Fast #14: High Fatherlessness High Crimerate

By September 5, 2007April 9th, 2019Family, Fr. Angelo Geiger, Standing Fast
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Ave Maria!

Fr. Angelo commenting on an article in the City Journal about the high rate of fatherlessness in Newark, New Jersey which has reached epidemic proportions and the corresponding high rate of crime explains the need for Fathers in society and for men to take back their position in family and society as father figures. But why aren't more people talking about this very obvious need? Listen to Father's impassioned plea for men to speak up and Stand Fast!

Ave Maria!

Author apostolate

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  • Set All Afire says:

    Ave Maria,
    I read (ironically enough) in a protestant book, that children from a very young age, equate their relationship with their Father, to a relationship with God. The father will be the person who brings them to God, and molds them in the way of Our Lord. The book dedicates an entire chapter to this relationship. Being protestant, it does not even touch the fact that the relationship a child has with their mother, directly mirrors a relationship to Our Lady. That a mother can bring children into Our Lady’s mantle by showing true Marian femininity. We have to, be we I am speaking of men and fathers, have to understand that there is direct correlation between the lack of respect the youth give, and the lack of authority that men give. If your son is disciplined by a mother, and not by their father, than don’t be surprised when the child grows up to be a whining, self-centered, mood swinging, brat, sissy. I don’t mean to be harsh and there are exceptions, but why do you think our society is in shambles, we as men let the woman under the guise of “feministic charity???, let go of the reigns of our boys. In turn we let go the Reign of Christ the King.

  • April Boone says:

    Thank you for you honest words. Regretfully this topic is not addressed with the urgency attendant to it.

    In Hartford, Connecticut a recent newspaper headline reported, one in six children in the public school has a parent (mostly fathers) in jail.

    Not to mention, the many children of lesbian “parents” whose ‘father’ is simply a donor in the sperm bank.

    These little ones are at such a great disadvantage. Worse this topic will implode eventually, and it will have devastating impact on our culture.

    St. Joseph pray for us,

  • Maria says:

    Thank you for speaking up for Fathers! My husband speaks to our children and they listen and it does make a difference to have a father or even to have a Godfather{ a sponsor who was there when you were baptized} A male figure who loves you and cares how you turn out when you grow up.
    It shows up in a boys and girls adult life if they had a Father who cared and Loved them, Thank you again, Maria

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