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What Happens When a Bishop Surrenders His Authority?

By August 28, 2007September 13th, 2007Commentary, News

He caves in to public calls for action.

Canberra, Aug. 23, 2007 ( – Bishop Pat Power, an auxiliary of the Canberra, Australia diocese, has indicated his support for an end to mandatory clerical celibacy, and suggested a new discussion of the possibility of ordaining women.

In a public response to a campaign by Australian Catholic activists to end the celibacy discipline, Bishop Power said that while Vatican leaders are unwilling to reconsider the issue, among “ordinary Catholics” he has found both support and “a sense of urgency” about the need for change.

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Extra Frate

Author Extra Frate

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  • Nancy F. says:

    Perhaps, you can explain to me why Bishop Power would state: “Where there is the conviction that the Eucharist is at the heart of Catholic belief and practice, there must be questions asked about disciplinary laws in the Church which have the net effect of denying many Catholics regular access to the Eucharist,” the Australian bishop wrote.

    And then encourages open discussion of women ordination. If he truly believes in the Eucharist, then how can he support women ordination when there weren’t any women at the Last Supper?

    A priest once told me that we do not know if there weren’t any women at the Last Supper. Hmmmm. Well, if it were meant to be, wouldn’t the Holy Spirit have inspired the Gospel writers to include it?

    How can bishops promote disobedience to infallable teachings and get away with it?

  • magdalen says:

    He can have all the change he wants and women’s ordination too in the anglican church–All the things he wants has already been done! And look how well that is turning out.

    But I guess he would rather stay and use his episcopal authority to destroy from within…