Video – Fr Maximilian – The Cornerstone #20: Sin, Scripture, & The Primacy

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Ave Maria! When St. Thomas Aquinas sides with the opinion that if man had not sinned God would not have become incarnate (no sin, no Incarnation), he cites that the Scriptures everywhere speak of Redemption from sin as the motive of the Incarnation. The Franciscan thesis of Bl. John Duns Scotus acknowledges that Christ came as Redeemer; while this is a true motive of the Incarnation, it is not necessarily the primary or exclusive motive. If the Franciscan thesis is correct, that sin or no sin the Word would have become flesh, then what about the dominating theme of Redemption in both the Old and New Testament? Watch and find out as Fr. Maximilian elaborates on this point.

Ave Maria!

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