Video – Fr. Joachim – Homily: St. James Apostle

By July 25, 2007September 3rd, 2007Fr. Joachim, Homily
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Ave Maria!

Fr. Joachim preaches the homily on the feast of St. James, explaining his life as recorded in the Bible and Tradition. Come listen to this account of the first Apostle to be martyred.

Ave Maria!

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  • Art C. says:

    Fr. Joachim, “Ave Maria!”
    I wasn’t able to go to mass today, but was so happy to hear what you had to say about St. James the Apostle.
    You are so right in saying that one doesn’t usually understand nor accept that in times of stress or grief or any other circumstances in our lives that we are led down certain roads that help bring us closer to God and sainthood, but suffering is a necessity to help us have a better understanding of what it was that Jesus went through, and to help us better understand what it is for others to go through their trials and turmoils, so that we may have more compassion, and true piety along with our faith, and better help those less fortunate than ourselves.
    We also must understand that it is through God, that we receive this grace that leads us to the goal of reaching paridise with Christ, and helping us lead others on the same path. It all comes down to remembering that all that we say or do or attain is for the greater glory of God; And to be ever thankful for whatever it is that He may give to us for this purpose, and to keep us humble.
    I pray that you will always be an inspiration to me and to others, and continue your quest by helping and preaching the Gospel so all may find God.
    Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Alter. Through Jesus Px Mary, Now and Forever, Art