Video – Fr. Angelo Geiger – Homily: The Wise, the Clever, & the Little Children

By July 18, 2007September 3rd, 2007Fr. Angelo Geiger, Homily
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Ave Maria!

As Malcolm Muggleridge observed, there's nothing so vulgar or perverse left in human experience for which we cannot fly in some professor from some university to justify it. Said in a more plain fashion, the wise and the clever of this world are skilled in justifying the worst of evils - from contraception to abortion to pornography to same-sex marriage. The learned and clever are poised to take what they want and leave the rest behind, and they delight in fashioning God in their own image.

It is not so with the little children of God. They are willing to have the truth revealed to them; they are willing to be fed directly from the hand of God. They accept God on His terms, not theirs. They assent to Christ's authority and receive the truth as it is, knowing full well that Christ Himself first came into this world and walked in their shoes, as a mere child.

Let's now listen to another wonderful homily by Fr. Angelo.

Ave Maria!


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  • Jennifer Arel says:

    Fr. Angelo,

    As always, I learned a lot from this homily. At the same time, I sometimes feel discouraged that there’s no way for me to ever really get a solid grasp on things unless I make it my full-time goal. This I cannot do since I have a family. For instance, I never knew that receiving Communion in our hands was something that was granted to us only because of our bishops’ lack of obedience, basically. I remember when I was a child having our priest tell us that everyone was to now receive Communion in their hands. He said the reason for the change was because for years people were farmers and laborers and their hands were dirty and thus unsanitary for holding Our Lord. But since few come to Mass from the fields anymore, it has been changed. This way, rather than priests having everyone’s germs transmitted to them (via saliva) and thus transferring it to others, this was now the preferred way!!!! I have been receiving Communion in my hands ever since (except when I go to the Friary, that is!) I find these little tid-bits out every month or so and it’s frustrating to me … as well as exhausting! There’s so much to understand. I can understand why some evangelicals claim that we just need to strip things down to the basic truths about Christ and not get all bogged down with legalism. I’m not saying I agree with them … I’m just saying that I can understand why it’s tempting for some to go that route. Nonetheless, I do feel grateful for people, such as all of you in the Friary, who tirelessly try to lead all of us confused sheep out of the pricker bushes into which we’ve fallen! Bless you.

  • Brother of Good Counsel says:

    Ave Maria Jennifer,

    Sorry it’s not Fr. Angelo replying, but I did want to briefly address your thoughts.

    Yes, there is much to know concerning our faith! but please don’t get discouraged. It’s truly a grace that you have a desire to understand the things of God and the Church. Would God create a hunger inside of you if He never planned to fill it?

    Fr Angelo’s much better at addressing the issue of communion in the hand, but I will just add that it’s not so much a question of legalism as it is a question of reverence. Kneeling and receiving Christ on your tongue demonstrates more of an act of faith in the Real Presence, and it even shows greater respect for the office of the priesthood. Still, it’s no sin to receive in the hand, but it’s a greater witness and a greater act of reverence to receive on the tongue.

    And I did find your comment regarding the evangelicals interesting, but the problem with “stripping things down to the basic truths about Christ” is that you end up stripping away some very important basic truths!! Evangelicals have no apostolic authority, no priesthood, and therefore lack 5 of the 7 sacraments, and it’s through the sacraments that our souls increase in sanctifying grace. On top of that, they also fail to honor Our Lady as Christ Himself wants her honored – which is a big part of the reason for Airmaria’s existence. I could add more, but I don’t want to sound like a mud-slinger. There are certainly inspiring evangelical preachers on the radio and perhaps even on television, but there’s so much in their understanding that is lacking. I know this because I listened to them for a number of years on Christian radio, and still hold a number of them in high esteem.

    Please continue to share your thoughtful comments with us and continue to tune in!

    With Our Lady in the Griswold Friary, Karl C.

    p.s. If you’re looking for a sure, safe, and sound way to instruct your children in the faith, two words: “Baltimore Catechism #2.” Very easy to read, very easy to understand, outstanding foundation for the Faith.