Video – Fr. Bonaventure – Homily: Our Faces Toward Jerusalem

By July 1, 2007September 3rd, 2007Fr. Bonaventure, Homily
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Ave Maria!Today's gospel speaks of Our Lord resolutely setting His face toward Jerusalem, the city of God housing the children and the murderers of God. Father Bonaventure reflects on how we too must resolutely set our hearts toward Jerusalem, where our crucifixion and subsequent glorification must take place for the ransoming of our own souls and the souls of others.

Why, in the Old Testament, did God order the enemies of Israel destroyed? And then why, in today's gospel, did Jesus rebuke the sons of Zebedee when they desired to call down fire from heaven as a judgment on the wicked cities of their day? Is the modern claim that the God of the Old Testament is different from the God of the New Testament a legitimate claim? Is God all sentimental love and forgiveness Mondays thru Thursdays and then holy and just Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays? Fr. Bonaventure aims to answer this seeming paradox.

Father also touches on what he calls the "Ken and Barbie culture" and the other cults today encouraging us to jettison the commandments of God.

Ave Maria!


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