Video – Fr. Maximilian – The Cornerstone #14 – Sacred Eastern Architecture

By June 30, 2007January 12th, 2012Fr. Maximilian Dean, The Cornerstone

Views 1957

Ave Maria!

At the Monastery of Bethlehem, of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and of St. Bruno in Livingston Manor, NY one sees the Byzantine and Eastern traditions reflected in the architecture of their Monastery Chapel and the hermitage chapels. Apart from any consideration of sin, the structure of God's plan is union with the Most Holy Trinity through the mediation of Jesus and Mary. Thus the Incarnation elevates man to be a partaker of the divine nature--what the Greek Fathers call "theosis", divinization, or deification. If man had not sinned, there would still be the mediation of Jesus and Mary; there would still be adoption as children in Christ Jesus and divinization; but there would have been no need for the Cross, for Redemption. Sin or no sin, the Divine Architect has the same design--"Come to Me through Jesus Christ and His Immaculate Mother!"

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