Video – Fr. Joachim Mudd – Homily: Blessed Baptista Varani

By May 30, 2007January 22nd, 2012Fr. Joachim, Homily
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Ave Maria!

Father preaches today on the life of Blessed Baptista Varani (1459-1517), a Franciscan Poor Clare who encouraged us to strive to do everything for the love of God. So let us keep our mind fixed always on God, whether or not our feelings nurture or hinder our faith. Hillare Belloc once gave a sharp analogy on how faith is the assent of the intelligence and of the will, with or without "good feelings??:

If the Ordnance Map tells us that it is 11 miles to Wookey Hole then, my mood of lassitude as I walk through the rain at night makes it feel like 30...I use the Will and say 'No. My intelligence has been convinced and I compel myself to use it against my mood. It is 11 and though I feel in the depths of my being to have gone 20 miles and more, I know it is not yet 11 I have gone.'

[Click here for today's readings.]

Ave Maria!


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