Video – Fr. Maximilian – The Cornerstone #8 – Ephesians 1:7 & The Franciscan Thesis
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Ave Maria!
Some object to the Franciscan thesis on the Incarnation by quoting the Creed: "For us men and for our salvation He came down from Heaven." Fr. Maximilian responds to this objection and demonstrates how Bl. John Duns Scotus and the Franciscan position on the absolute primacy of Christ does not downplay Christ's role as our Redeemer. Man sinned; Jesus came for our Redemption. However, He did not come primarily, let alone exclusively, to redeem us. Discover also how St. Irenaeus does not equate "salvation" with "redemption".Ave Maria!
Ave Maria!
Thanks for your wonderful teachings and thanks to all of you here at AirMaria for proclaiming the truth about Our Blessed Mother!
God Bless and Ave Maria!
-Danny Garland Jr.