Video – FI News #15: Catholic Senators – Their Faith & Public Policy

By April 29, 2007September 30th, 2022Fi News
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Ave Maria!

On Monday 23rd April, the friars were priveleged to attend a discussion between two Catholic Presidential Candidates, Sen. Chris Dodd and Sen. Sam Brownback, at Boston College's Conte Forum. The discussion was moderated by Tim Russert & the questions revolved around the influence, or lack thereof, of Catholicism on the senators' political stances. Following the exchange, Peter Wolfgang of the Family Institute of CT was fortunate enough to be able to interview Sen. Brownback.

Ave Maria!

Author apostolate

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  • Corinn says:

    I was at the debate and you guys did a great job of summarizing a wonderful event. I disagree with Sen. Dodd on most topics, but the one thing he said that saddened me the most was that he brought his daughters into the discussion on Gay Marriage, and instead of hoping to teach his girls what the Church teacheson this subject and guiding them on the path to heaven, he was concerned how they would be treated by society. So we need Civil Unions for same-sex couples. This is the problem with Catholics today–we have lost our way and we need the shepherds to bring us back. We need more men like the Friars of the Immaculate. Also we need a president like Sam Brownback, he is the first person I would run to polls to vote for.

    Thanks for your dedication to your ministry.