Video – FiNews #13: Neil Babcox – Protestant Pastor becomes Catholic #2
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Ave Maria!
In this continuation to Neil Babcox's previous video he describes how after being a Protestant Pastor for over 30 years, he leaves all to receive the pearl of great price, the Most Blessed Sacrament. Neil entered the Catholic Church and received his first Holy Communion with great joy on the Solemnity of All Saints, November 1, 2006. Now he radiates faith in the Real Presence and love for His eucharistic Lord. For his first Easter in the Catholic Church, Neil made a retreat at Mount St. Francis Hermitage run by the Franciscans of the Immaculate and shared his love for the Blessed Sacrament with Don't miss Neil's upcoming appearance on EWTN, Marcus Grodi's The Journey Home on May 21st at 8pm.
EWTN, Marcus Grodi, The Journey Home??upcoming guest Neil Babcox
Conversion story of Neil Babcox
Ave Maria!