Video – Face of Pro-Life #6: Egg Donations, Human Cloning, & the “Stem Cell” Debate
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Ave Maria!
"We're fighting the abortion war by proxy," says Peter Wolfgang in regards to the news of the day items on this episode. Corinn, Peter, & Joe discuss how young girls are donating their eggs for profit, all-the-while being ignorant of the risks of such a procedure, which include paralysis, limb amputation, & death. The push for human cloning & the media's shifting the culture of life debate from abortion to "stem cells" is also discussed. The media purposefully clouds the stem cell issue by making no distinction between moral (adult) stem cell research & immoral (embryonic) stem cell research, & it ignores the reality of the success-rate of adult stem cells. Listen now to this engaging discussion with three knowledgeable & eloquent speakers who's mission is to defend truth & life.
Ave Maria!