Video – Fr. Peter – Mary at the Foot of the Cross
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Ave Maria!
Starting with the Last Seven words of Christ on the Cross that refer to Psalm 22:1, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me??? and later in verse 9, "You have drawn me out of the womb. You entrusted me to my mother's breast and placed me on her lap.?? Fr. Peter Fehlner makes the connection between Christ's crucifixion and the incarnation and thus Mary. His cry is not one of despair but, as the rest of the Psalm indicates, He willed the Crucifixion as well as the Incarnation that made it possible. Mary who cooperated with God in bringing Christ into the world, cooperates with God in the Redemption as she stands at the foot of the cross.
He covers the thinking of the Fathers of the Church on this matter, Moses the Law and Elias the prophet, the Transfiguration of the Lord on Mt. Tabor, the Virgin Birth and much more. Come listen to this most important video as we approach the crucifixion...
Ave Maria!