Video – Fr. Angelo – Standing Fast #4: Holy Week

By April 2, 2007January 18th, 2012Fr. Angelo Geiger, Standing Fast
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Ave Maria!

Fr. Angelo Geiger shows how to Stand Fast in Holy week when the culture around us is not so holy. Using the example of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, celebrated yesterday on Palm Sunday, where the crowds went from shouting "Hosanna" to "Crucify him" he points out that we should expect this kind of treatment ourselves and thus not be surprised when every Lent our culture comes out with things like Discovery Channel's "The Lost Tomb of Jesus," Gay Marriage initiatives in Connecticut, the blasphemous chocolate Jesus in New York. Come learn to stand fast with Fr. Angelo as he describes how Jesus stood fast for us on Calvary.

Ave Maria!


Author apostolate

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  • Karl says:

    Great post, strong message and very good delivery by Fr. Angelo – it sounded very natural. Best post so far out of all the ones I’ve listened to on airmaria (and I’m not just saying that because I live here…!). You may want to check the out-tro music: it sounded a bit shaky, not as good a quality as the intro music.

  • Olivia says:

    I enjoyed your homily from Jan 15 at The National Basilica where you talked about Our Lady of America. What, if anything, is going on with that from your perspective since then?

    Would you be willing to come to Rome City and give your talk if we did a pilgrimage to the site of the apparitions?