Video – Fr. Peter: The Superior Sacrifice

By March 21, 2007June 24th, 2008Fr. Peter Fehlner, Spirit, Faith and Family
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Ave Maria!

"Sacrifice and offerings you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me...Behold, I come to do your will." These are the words of Christ, who humbled Himself and leapt down from Heaven into the Virgin's womb, into the Virgin Earth of Our Lady. The only offering that could redeem us came through Mary, and, unlike Abraham, there was no substitute for the sacrifice of Her Son. Fr. Peter here speaks wonderfully on the glories of Our Lady, noting among other things that besides God the Father, the only one who can understand God the Son is His Mother.

Ave Maria!


Author apostolate

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  • leni says:

    que pena! pois nao sei falar ingles… mas o video de catarina laboure e maravilhoso! DEUS os ampare!

  • leni says:

    voces poderiam traduzir para o portugues,pois imagino que essa entrevista tenha um conteudo lindo.

  • apostolate says:

    Muito obrigrado, Leni.
    Agora, no EE.UU., não podemos traduzir o video para o português.
    Alguns frades aqui (New Bedford, Mass.) estão a aprender a lingua; por isso,
    no futuro, se Deus quiser, poderíamos traduzir as palavras do video.
    Rogai por nós!

    Fra Solanus Mary