Video – Fr. Peter – Intercession of Mary, Mother of God
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Ave Maria!
Beginning with The Wedding Feast at Cana (John 2:1) Fr. Peter Fehlner discusses with host John Primeau the connection between the Divine Motherhood of Mary and her role as Intercessor and the general importance of Parenthood in the upbringing of their children.
Ave Maria!
Reverend Fathers,
The site is outstanding. Congratulations and God bless you for being His instruments in the world–and particularly in Connecticut. Ave Maria!
In reference to the wedding feast of Cana, I always have one series of questions given to me from children when I discuss this topic.
How did She know?
How did She know He could resolve the problem?
Did She know how He would resolve the problem?
Did She even know He would resolve the problem?
These are common questions that should have a correct answer especially to children who are truly impressionalble.
Our Lady’s faith and contemplative life was incomparable. She knew who Our Lord was. Read the Finding in the Temple, not with the presumption that Our Lady was confused about Her Son’s identity, but that She had not yet penetrated the meaning of His having stayed behind in Jerusalem. At Cana, she knew Jesus could and would work the miracle. She was the Immaculate and Virgin Mother of God, united in an ineffable way to God. She was fully aware of Her Son’s divinity, and moved by the Holy Spirit to intervene.
I think it is sufficient to impress upon children how Our Lady was chosen by God and prepared to be His Mother. Her incomparable holiness made her of one mind and heart with Jesus, and His perfect disciple. In this way Mary was Mother to Jesus, not only by giving birth to Him and raising Him, but also by accompaning him in His public ministry and exercizing an maternal influence there.