Video – Fr. Peter – Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord

By January 10, 2007June 23rd, 2008Fr. Peter Fehlner, Homily
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Ave Maria!

While Fr. Peter preaches the homily for the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, he points out that this feast is considered the continuation of the feast of the Epiphany where God the Father makes manifest His Son and this is a continuation of Christmas, which is the appearance of God on earth. He then discusses the meaning of appearance and perception and how we will one day perceive God in the beatific vision in heaven. He then points out that we will be made worthy to enter heaven through the waters of Baptism and how this is related to the pure water of Mary's womb where Jesus first entered the world at the Annunciation. The Holy Spirit hovering over the water at both these events brings about the purity of a new creation and birth.

Ave Maria!

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  • Luke says:

    i was wondering what the significance of the holy spirit coming down on jesus as a dove is. was this to show us what happens to us when we’re baptised or did jesus receive something new at this moment