For the Life of the World – Audio #9 – Fr. Angelo gives a talk on the Perpetual Virginity of Mary >>> Play Down Load ? Higher Quality 80kbps: Play Down Load |
Ave Maria!
On the Solemnity of the Holy Mother of God we present this last audio from our archives on the subject of the Perpetual Virginity of Mary. Fr. Angelo covers the apostolic origins of the doctrine, what it means, the fact that this doctrine is a dogma and its importance as a means for counteracting christological errors. This was recorded last year at this time.
Happy New Year and Ave Maria!
Dear Father,
Regarding the perpetual virginity of the Blessed Mother. Listening to the talk a spark of reason why our Lord would not want subsequent children born, in original sin, of one who was conceived without sin, was instilled in my being.
I found it however, disheartening, that you began your reasoning on “dogma” in such a threatening way that anyone who would question the concept is condemed. It is not only intimidating but seems very political. I trust Jesus wants me to seek after God’s heart in such a way that He will be pleased, not that mankind should be.
I believe in His divinity, no matter the state of His Mother’s virginity, after His birth. That afair is for God and Blessed Mother and St. Joseph, not for me or anyone else to decide. I find it repugnant that our Church must place a stamp of approval or disapproval on the issue.
Hi Lisa, with all due respect the Church “decided” the issue of Mary’s virginity in A.D. 553 where the “dogma” was set forth at the Second Council of Constantinople. Her perpetual virginity has been defended as far back as A.D. 383 with St. Jerome refuting the wrong-thinking Helvidius. Please don’t feel threatened by Church teaching. Christ our Lord founded the one true Church for the precise reason to elucidate and educate its members on matters of faith and morals.
Also, some friendly advice, I recently took a class on Catholic Theology from a Catholic university. Sadly, the class was full of misguided individuals more in touch with their personal relationships with God and less in touch with the Church. They even went so far as to deny themselves the sacrament of penance as they saw no reason to confess themselves to a “man” (priest). Be careful what you take upon yourself to decide. The Church and its Saints have 2000 years of experience to tap and the imprimatur of Christ himself to educate us. God Bless -Evan
Dear Evan,
Apparently the expression of my opinion offended you.
Want you to know I was not in your class on Catholic Theology.
To threaten one with condemnation is similar to Islam’s threat of submit or be killed. It isn’t God centered, it’s power centered.
The Divinity of Christ is always intact, no matter what man does or thinks.
Ave Maria!
Dear Lisa,
Please try to reread Evan’s comment in a different light. You accuse him of lack of charity or being condemning and I do not see this. Dogmas do, in fact, seem to be offensive but only to our fallen nature and this is something that we all have to overcome. They are not meant to offend but to instruct so that we can have some positive knowledge about God and then love God. One of the things that we are to love about God is that he loved us first and sent his only Son to save us. Christ gave the knowledge of this to us. But he choose to give it to us through other men (his disciples) as opposed to writing this down himself. These people are, in fact, fallible, but in order to ensure that we know God he has given the apostles and their successors the grace to be infallible in one thing alone, teaching Christian doctrines and morals. You can decide to not believe this but then how will you know that even the basics of the faith are true, including his greatest gifts of love. So it seems negative but in actuality it is very positive and in fact the very ability to love God depends on it. It is another example of the integrity of the Catholic faith where knowledge and love are united, as well as, faith and reason. This is precisely what Islam denies, that human reason can have anything to do with God. They think God is beyond all reason. Our Goal is to know and love God and to be happy with him forever. May God Bless you.
In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Fra Roderic
Dear Father Roderic,
I didn’t accuse Evan of lack of charity or condemning. I simply stated I thought my opinion offended him.
By His grace alone will God help us all to overcome our fallen nature.
You wrote: “You can decide to not believe this but then how will you know that even the basics of the faith are true,”
I know the basic precepts of God’s faith because He gave me the grace to believe. Because He knew me first and knew I would one day ask Him for it. He gave us the Bible and tradition and the Holy Father to help us reason, that we might come to know and love Him.
When one has doubts about about a belief, I don’t think it’s right to threaten them into blind obedience, as I felt, listening to the talk. To express ones doubts and opinions should be welcomed by our Church, even if they are not agreed upon.
A good portion of my short time here, has been spent in a state of “blind obedience”. In many ways it has caused more harm to my soul then good. To tell you about it all would cause scandal to religious people, in and out of our Church. I trust The Good Lord will polish these wounds into such a bright lustre that others might one day look upon me and see His glory shine through.
In the mean time, I will continue to question and ponder all that there is time for. I need to know if all dogma came out of the mouth of a Pope or not. I’m not going to trust anyone else in our church on these faith matters.
Evan wrote: “the Church “decided??? the issue of Mary’s virginity in A.D. 553” Do you know which Pope declared this dogma? Does dogma come directly from the Pope? Did a Pope say if someone rejects the dogma of the Church they are condemned?
Thank you for your reply.
God’s peace.
Ave Maria!
Dear Lisa,
First this is not a site to discuss whether or not dogmas are valid. That would be for an apologetics site. And this post, in particular, is not discussing route subjects like this. In short, you are off topic.
You wrote “I didn’t accuse Evan of lack of charity or condemning. I simply stated I thought my opinion offended him.”
Given your use of words in your prior comment:
“To threaten one with condemnation is similar to Islam’s threat of submit or be killed. It isn’t God centered, it’s power centered.”
one would have to conclude that you thought he had given you a “condemnation” and to suggest that what he said was “similar to Islam’s threat of submit or be killed” seems to be calling him uncharitable.
In short, I think you have been rather uncharitable to him.
Further this is not a place to air personal issues or “injuries” between you and the Church, even if you have stated them discretely.
I am not a theologian, nor a priest but only a brother, I am answering this in Fr. Angelo’s absence. But I believe dogmas come from the Pope or an Ecumenical Council of bishops that has been confirmed by a pope.
If you want to know more about the subject of the Perpetual Virginity of Mary see the earlier posts.
But I will have to put an end to this discussion this is the last post we will accept on this thread.
Sincerely in Christ,
Fra Roderic
I just stopped by to say that I’m watching EWTN where I discovered this site. (They’re showing the media gathering with Doug Keck interviewing everyone.)
What a great idea to put up this blog! Thanks.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks Fra Roderic, for ending that thread.