Video – Fr. Angelo – How Gibson’s ‘The Passion’ helps us to know Christ

By December 30, 2006June 24th, 2008Fr. Angelo Geiger, Spirit, Faith and Family
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Ave Maria!

Filmed two years ago at NACEPF host John Primeau and Fr. Angelo Geiger, FI discuss how Mel Gibson's movie "The Passion" helps us to know Christ. Starting with the question "do we really know Christ??? they discuss how the movie shows that Jesus is God and God is Love by portraying His super-abundant love that is willing and able to suffer unto death for our redemption and then rise from the dead. Fr. Angelo then discusses how we should show our gratitude by repenting and being willing to suffer with him and so participate in the redemption of all mankind, "taking up our cross daily and following him.?? The movie destroys the modern idea that suffering and love is opposed. Christ suffers out of love for us. The superabundance of Christ's suffering shows the goodness of God and the wickedness of sin. All of which makes the movie one of the best means today for counteracting the lax morality that is destroying our society.

Ave Maria!

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