Video – Homily #1: Our Lady Queen of the Seraphic Order
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Ave Maria!
On the Feast of Our Lady Queen of the Seraphic Order Fr. Angelo gives a homily on the special relationship between Our Lady and the Franciscan of the Immaculate as we strive to follow the Spirituality of St. Maximilian Kolbe.
Ave Maria!
Awesome homily Father.
As an aside, I wonder if it is possible or practical for a mass schedule to be posted somewhere on the website?
Mary was a virgin at the conception and the birth of Jesus, her first-born son. However, the perpetual virginity of Mary is not taught in the Bible. This belief is an invention of human tradition.
There are plenty of resources available on the Internet that examine this question from both a Catholic and Protestant point of view. Here is a Catholic article that discusses the “brethren” of the Lord (e.g. Mt. 13:55), and another treating specifically the preposition “until” of Mt. 1:25.
Based on the supposition that something must be stated clearly in scripture in order for it to be the rule of faith, you cannot prove from scripture that Our Lady had other children. Scripture does not say so. It says that Jesus had “brethren,” and we are left to sort out from the New Testament Greek what that means. The fact is, the earliest interpreters of Sacred Scripture affirm the Perpetual Virginity, holding that the “brethren” of the Lord are relatives, not siblings (examples of patristic texts: A, B). Even the Protestant reformers concur with the fathers on this.
Of course, there are always more fundamental principles at stake when Protestants and Catholics debate points of biblical interpretation. Most fundamental is the principle of sola scriptura. It seems to most Catholics that this principle is fundamentally self-contradictory, since it is not found in the Bible, and since the Bible is inherently open to interpretation. In the matter of biblical interpretation, both Catholics and Protestants have their tradition. The Catholic tradition is the ancient and correct one. Where the Protestant tradition departs from the Catholic, it is of human origin and in error.
We are getting to the Mass schedule.
A very nice little lesson in Marian theology. Is this a Mass homily or a seminary lecture?
It was a Mass homily. Congregation way mostly friars.
It would be awesome if we could get these videos posted for download (without having to play/load them through the browser) for us Quicktime-users 🙂