Ave Maria! AirMaria has reached 500,000 visitors on our Site Meter. Deo Gratias and thanks to our loyal viewers. A few weeks ago we also reached a Google ranking of 5 after being…
Ave Maria! Well we've been very busy here at AirMaria. However, we admit that it has not always been directly posting videos as can be seen from a sparse period in our posting…
Poncho the Parrot prays the Hail Mary - CNA Blog. Just saw this. It is a couple of years old but thought it was worth posting for the feast of the Rosary tomorrow, Oct…
Ave Maria! Here is a beautiful chant focusing on the "spotless and pure" virgin Mary. This wonderful chant portrays thoughtful imagery about our Lady's Immaculate Conception. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vx-EuKM8I6Q