July 23, 2008
Jul 23 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: God’s call and Providence
Homily #080723 ( 12min) Play - "We all have a mission from God in this world". In today's homily Father Ignatius talks about God's call for each and everyone of us, and how…

July 26, 2008
FiNews – Poor Clares of the Immaculate Vocations Video
FI News #34 - Italian vocation video of the Poor Clares of the Immaculate ( 5min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Here's a video in Italian. It is a vocation video for the Clarisse…

September 18, 2008
Video – FiNews #37 – FI Vocations Video
FI News #37 - The life and charism of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate. ( 04min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Here is the short version of our vocations video. The long one…
December 11, 2009
Dec 11 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Vigil of Guadalupe
Homily #091211s ( 17min) Play - Fr. Angelo gives the homily for the vigil Mass for the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe which is a Solemnity here at Our Lady of Guadalupe…

The Mission of St. Joseph
December 16, 2009
The Mission of St. Joseph
Ave Maria Meditations And Jacob was the father of Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom Jesus was born, who is called Christ. (Mt.1:16) Among the Jews, as among other peoples of nomadic…

Our Lady’s Vocation and Our Example
December 18, 2009
Our Lady’s Vocation and Our Example
Ave Maria Meditations: The Blessed Virgin chosen from eternity: Her vocation. We are now very close to Christmas. The prophecy of Isaiah is now about to be fulfilled: the maiden is with child…

September 19, 2010
Sep 19 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: Called to One Faith One Church
Homily #100919 ( 06min) Play - Fr. Ignatius preaches on the first reading and the need to recognize the one true faith and the need to be a member of the one Church…

November 3, 2010
Nov 03 – Homily – Fr Dominic: Franciscan Faithful Departed
Homily #101103 ( 03min) Play - Today the Franciscans of the Immaculate commemorate the faithfully departed of the Franciscan order. Fr. Dominic exorts us to reflect on the meaning of the Franciscan vocation…

November 19, 2010
Nov 19 – Homily – Fr Dominic: St Agnes Determined to Follow
Homily #101119 ( 06min) Play - Fr. Dominic preaches on the life of St Agnes of Assisi who had to renounce her family to follow her vocation, as in today's Gospel, and even…

February 20, 2011
Video – Fr Agnellus: Please Stop Sinning
Variety #120 - A Day with Mary in London (13min) >>> Play Ave Maria! One of the basic calls of Fatima, is the call to stop sinning for the love of our Good…

September 21, 2012
Sep 21 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: Answer the Call of Christ
Homily #120921 ( 04min) Play- On this feast of St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist, Fr. Ignatius explains how Our Lord calls the soul to conversion or to a vocation, both for the building up…