January 21, 2020
Fr. Vincent Lampert – Role & Definition – Necessity of Exorcists #1 of 5 – CONF 520
Ave Maria! Fr. Vincent Lampert gives his first talk of five at our conference on exorcism January 2020 on the need for and appointment of Exorcists in the Church, the nature of exorcisms,…

January 22, 2020
Fr. Vincent Lampert – Armament for Spiritual Battle – Necessity of Exorcists #2 of 5 – CONF 521
Ave Maria! Fr. Vincent Lampert gives his second talk of five at our conference on exorcism in January 2020 on the need for Exorcists in the Church where explains that the Christian Life…

January 23, 2020
Fr. Vincent Lampert – Entries & Remedies for Evil – Necessity of Exorcists #3 of 5 – CONF 522
Ave Maria! Fr. Vincent Lampert gives his third talk of five at our conference on exorcism in January 2020 on the need for exorcists in the Church where he lists the many ways…

January 24, 2020
Fr. Vincent Lampert – Mary vs. Attacks of the Devil – Necessity of Exorcists #4 of 5 – CONF 523
Ave Maria! Fr. Vincent Lampert gives his fourth talk of five at our conference on exorcism in January 2020 on the need for exorcists in the Church where he describes the fourfold attack…

January 25, 2020
Fr. Vincent Lampert – Peace & Joy, Christ is Victor! – Necessity of Exorcists #5 of 5 – CONF 524
Ave Maria! Fr. Vincent Lampert gives his fifth and final talk at our conference on exorcism in January 2020 on the need for exorcists in the Church where he describes the peace and…

February 3, 2020
St. Blase (or Blaise) & Sacramentals – Feb 03 – Homily – Fr Matthias
On the memorial of St. Blase (bishop and martyr, Feb 03, 2020), Fr. Matthias dedicates a portion of the homily to the explanation of the Church’s use of sacramentals, which in some…

February 8, 2020
King Solomon v. Little Therese – Feb 08 – Homily – Fr Terrance
Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Feb 08, 2020, on how King Solomon in 1 kings 3:5 asks for wisdom and how God is very willing to give…

February 9, 2020
Penance & Reparation – #4/5 – Spiritual Weapons – MIM Retreat 2019 – Fr. Joachim – CONF 533
Ave Maria! Fr. Joachim Mudd gives the fourth talk of five at the 2019 MIM Annual Retreat called "Spiritual Weapons" on how penance and reparation are such important weapons in the spiritual fight.…

February 10, 2020
Mary: Mediatrix, Coredemptrix and Advocate – #5/5 – Spiritual Weapons – MIM Retreat 2019 – Fr. Joachim – CONF 534
Ave Maria! Fr. Joachim Mudd gives the fifth and last talk at the 2019 MIM Annual Retreat called "Spiritual Weapons" and how Mary as Mediatrix, Coredemptrix and Advocate is needed to win the…

February 14, 2020
Pray the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary
Ave Maria! Come pray the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary with us! Recorded voices of 70 people gathered for a retreat at the Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center. The Mysteries: The Annunciation…

February 15, 2020
Finding a Quiet Place – Feb 15 – Homily – Fr Terrance
Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Feb 15, 2020, on how we need to find a quiet place to commune with God in prayer. Ave Maria! Mass: Saturday 5th…