July 15, 2008
July 15 – St Maximilian Daily – Imitate the Immaculate
Ave Maria!-- July's Theme: Holiness "We imitate good, virtuous and holy people but none of them is without imperfections. Only the Immaculate, without the stain of sin right from the first moment of…
July 20, 2008
July 20 – St Maximilian Daily – The Way to True Holiness
Ave Maria!-- July's Theme: Holiness "Our Lord, coming into this world, showed all humanity the way to true holiness by His word and example, the substance of which is to love God to…
July 22, 2008
July 22 – St Maximilian Daily – The Saints Were Like Us
Ave Maria!-- July's Theme: Holiness "The idea that the Saints were not like us is false. They too were subject to temptations, they too fell and arose again, they too felt oppressed by…
July 26, 2008
July 26 – St Maximilian Daily – Degree of Perfection
Ave Maria!-- July's Theme: Holiness "The degree of perfection depends upon the union of our will with the will of God. The greater the perfection, the greater the union. Because the Most Holy…