March 30, 2008
Mar 30 – Homily Specials – Fr Ignatius: Divine Mercy Sunday – Last Day of the Octave of Easter
Homily Specials? #080330s (11min) Play - Let the House of Israel say, "His Mercy endures forever". The Divine Mercy Devotion is a "Private Revelation". Listen to Fr Ignatius' explanation of the difference between…
June 15, 2008
Jun 15 – Homily – Fr Bonaventure: Mercy of Christ
Homily #080615 ( 00min) Play - Fr. Bonaventure highlights how deep the mercy of Christ is for His sheep in the account presented in the Gospel today. He points out that this mercy…
July 18, 2008
Jul 18 – Homily – Fr Bonaventure: I Desire Mercy
Homily #080718 ( 00min) Play - Fr. Bonaventure preaches on Our Lord's words, "I desire mercy, not sacrifice". We are to have mercy on our fellow man and this is more important than…
August 10, 2008
Aug 10 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Jesus Walks on Water
Homily #080810 ( 28min) Play - On this 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Angelo preaches on the miracle of Our Lord walking on the water. Listen as Father explains how Peter's faltering…
October 6, 2008
Oct 06 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Who is Our Neighbor?
Homily #081006 ( 12min) Play - Twenty-seventh Monday in Ordinary Time - Fr. Angelo Geiger preaches on the Good Samaritan and the need to show charity and mercy to our fellow man in…
February 26, 2009
Feb 26 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: Prayer of the Centurion
Homily #090226 ( 07min) Play - Prayer is powerful because it is the key to becoming humble. It recognizes the truth of how great God is and how small and needy we are,…
April 19, 2009
Apr 19 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: Divine Mercy and Redemption
Homily #090419 ( 09min) Play - Divine Mercy Sunday comes right after Easter Sunday to highlight the fact that the Redemption is the ultimate act of mercy by Our Lord. Listen to Father…

July: Month of the Most Precious Blood
July 3, 2009
July: Month of the Most Precious Blood
Ave Maria Meditations To the Precious Blood of Jesus: O Precious Blood of Jesus, infinite price of sinful man's redemption, both drink and laver of our souls, Thou who dost plead continually the…

Because He first loved us…
July 6, 2009
Because He first loved us…
Let us love, then, because he first loved us. (1Jn4:19) + In your mercy, Lord, you called me, Taught my sinful heart and mind, Else this world had still enthralled me, And to…

“I fell in love with the Blessed Sacrament from the Beginning…”
" But I fell in love with the Blessed Sacrament from the beginning - and by the Mercy of God have never fallen out again… " J.R.R. Tolkein Regarding receiving the Bread of…

The Penitent who became a Saint
July 22, 2009
The Penitent who became a Saint
Ave Maria Meditations Thoughts on Infinite Mercy and St. Mary Magdalene PRESENCE OF GOD: Teach me, 0 Lord, the secrets of Your mercy that I may fully profit by them. MEDITATION 1. God's…
August 12, 2009
Aug 12 – Homily – Fr Bonaventure: If One Sins
Homily #090812 ( 009min) Play - When a fellow Christian sins then in a spirit of charity use fraternal correction to bring about his conversion. Ave Maria! Mass readings Audio (MP3) +++