Divine Mercy in my Soul
October 5, 2008
Divine Mercy in my Soul
? Ave Maria Mediations ? O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of Mercy for us, I trust in You! ? ? O Blessed Host…

Queen of the Seraphic Order
December 14, 2008
Queen of the Seraphic Order
An Ave Maria Mediations encore Our Lady is Queen of the Seraphic (Franciscan) Order Feast Day is December 15th Saint Francis’ Greetings to the Blessed Virgin: Hail, Lady and Queen, holy Mary, Mother…

Mary in the Thought of God Eternal
December 18, 2008
Mary in the Thought of God Eternal
An Ave Maria Advent Mediation God's wisdom and a God's love can choose out of a God's possibilities, how his created home shall be. Who then shall dream, until…

February 25, 2009
Video – Mediatrix with the One Mediator – Dr Miravalle: MCast 50
Marycast #50 ( 10min) Play - In this episode, Dr. Miravalle discusses Mary as the subordinate Mediatrix to Christ, who is the "one Mediator between God and man" (1 Timothy 2:5). In reflecting…

February 28, 2009
Video – The Mediatrix of Scripture – Dr Miravalle: MCast 51
Marycast #51 ( 10min) Play - In the Bible, who is it that assists Jesus in His life and in His public ministry like no one else? When one searches the scriptures, it…

March 11, 2009
Video – Mary, Advocate in Scripture – Dr Miravalle: MCast 54
Marycast #54 ( 10min) Play - The most ancient title given to Our Lady is "Advocate," which was coined by St. Irenaeus 1800 years ago. What did he mean by this title, and…

March 18, 2009
Video – Suffering’s Christian Value – Dr Miravalle: MCast 56
Marycast #56 ( 10min) Play - Christian or non-Christian, suffering is unavoidable in this life. Whether we want to or not, we all have crosses to carry. How should we respond to this…

March 25, 2009
Video – Mary & The Ratzinger Report – Dr Miravalle: MCast 58
Marycast #58 ( 10min) Play - In 1985, Cardinal Ratzinger gave a remarkable interview to Italian journalist Vittorio Messori entitled "The Ratzinger Report". In this report, Cardinal Ratzinger tells us that there are…