Through Mary
January 17, 2023
Through Mary
Ave Maria Meditations It is through the Blessed Virgin Mary that Jesus Christ came into the world and it is also through her that He must reign in the world. Mary is the supreme…
January 20, 2023
Mary – Unique Collaborator in the Redemption
Unlike the rest of the members of the Church - which receive the Redemption as something already accomplished - Our Lady, in a unique way, collaborates in accomplishing the Redemption together with Christ.…
March 22, 2023
Give Your Fiat to Mary – Mary Live with Dr. Mark Miravalle
Ave Maria! March 25 celebrates the greatest use of human freedom in all history! Join Dr. Mark Miravalle as he discusses the Solemnity of the Annunciation and how you can profoundly thank Our…
April 6, 2023
Mary and Good Friday – Mary Live with Dr. Mark Miravalle
What is Our Lady's experience of Good Friday? How does she contribute to the Redemption of the world with her Divine Son? Join Dr. Mark Miravalle for an in-depth analysis of Mary and…
April 29, 2023
Presence of Mary in the Mass
Many Saints and mystics were able to perceive the special presence of Our Lady in every celebration of the Mass. And St. John Paul II gives us the theological reasons why we…
June 7, 2023
Pope Francis calls Mary “Mediatrix of all graces” and “Advocate”! – Mary Live with Dr. Miravalle
Ave Maria! History in the making--Pope Francis calls Mary "Mediatrix of all graces" and Advocate" on May 13 Fatima Memorial! Listen to the words of the Holy Father, as well as details of…
July 5, 2023
Two Rivers – The Kolbe Dude – #1
Listen to Fr. Elias as he introduces his new series "The Kolbe Dude" on the life and teachings of St Maximilian Kolbe, and covers Kolbe's idea of two rivers representing the will…
July 22, 2023
Where is Mary in the Bible ?
Why are many Catholic teachings on Mary not explicitly named in Scripture? Ave Maria! +++
September 2, 2023
Mary at Vatican II
The question of the place of Mary in the Documents of Vatican II. Ave Maria! +++
September 20, 2023
Maria and Maris – The Kolbe Dude #3
Listen to Fr. Elias as he gives insights from St. Maximillian Kolbe on how the name Mary, Maria, has the same root as Maris, ocean or sea, and how this relates to…