December 10, 2014
Dec 10 – Homily – Fr Alan: Litany of Loreto and Laetitia
Homily #141210b ( 12min) Play - Fr. Alan on how the Litany of Loreto should remind of the joy (laetitia) of Christmas which this season of Advent looks toward. Ave Maria! Mass: Our Lady…
September 6, 2015
Video – A Day With Mary #141: Mary as Ark of the Covenant and Queen
A Day With Mary #141 - Mary as Ark of the Covenant and Queen ( 21min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Archbishop Barry James Hickey, Emeritus Archbishop of Perth, speaks on Our Lady during…
Holy Mary, Mother of God
May 1, 2016
Holy Mary, Mother of God
Holy Mary, Mother of God: pray for us! God could make a bigger world or a wider sky, but He could not raise a pure creature higher than Mary, for the dignity of…
Holy Virgin of Virgins
May 2, 2016
Holy Virgin of Virgins
Holy Virgin of Virgins: Pray for us! Most holy Virgin, give us affection for prayer and retirement, that, detaching ourselves from the love of creatures, we may aspire only after God and heaven,…
Mother of Christ
May 3, 2016
Mother of Christ
Mother of Christ, pray for us! Hail, Lady and Queen, holy Mary, Mother of God, Virgin who became the Church, chosen by the Father in heaven, consecrated by his beloved Son and his…
Mother of the Church, pray for us!
May 4, 2016
Mother of the Church, pray for us!
It is because she is Mother of the Church that the Virgin is also the Mother of each one of us, members of the Mystical Body of Christ. From the Cross, Jesus entrusted…
Mother of Divine Grace
May 5, 2016
Mother of Divine Grace
Ave Maria Meditations Mother of Divine Grace, Pray for us! To desire grace without recourse to the Virgin Mother is to desire to fly without wings. St. Pius X
Mother Most Pure
May 6, 2016
Mother Most Pure
Mother Most Pure: Pray for us! Tota Pulchra: You are completely pure, Mary, and the stain of original sin is not within you. Your clothing is white like snow, and your face is…
Mother Most Chaste
May 7, 2016
Mother Most Chaste
Mother Most Chaste: Pray for us! Tota pulchra es, Maria et macula originalis non est in te. Vestimentum tuum candidum quasi nix, et facies tua sicut sol. Tota pulchra es, Maria, et macula originalis…
Mother Inviolate, Mother Undefiled
May 8, 2016
Mother Inviolate, Mother Undefiled
Ave Maria Meditations Mother Inviolate, Mother Undefiled: Pray for us! The divine Mother only left her house to go the temple, and then her demeanor was all composed, and she kept her eyes…
Mother most Amiable, Mother most Admirable
May 9, 2016
Mother most Amiable, Mother most Admirable
Mother Most Amiable, Mother Most Admirable: Pray for us! You alone possess all the perfections and all the merits of all the saints united. St. Bernard
Mother of Good Counsel
May 10, 2016
Mother of Good Counsel
Mother of Good Counsel, pray for us! Mother of Good Counsel, obtain for us our most urgent need..... (here mention your request) and secure for us from thy Divine Son the love of virtue…
Virgin most Prudent, Virgin most Venerable
May 12, 2016
Virgin most Prudent, Virgin most Venerable
Virgin most Prudent, Virgin most Venerable: Pray for us! Mary has the authority over the angels and the blessed in heaven. As a reward for her great humility, God gave her the power…
Virgin most Renowned, Virgin most Powerful
May 13, 2016
Virgin most Renowned, Virgin most Powerful
Ave Maria Meditations Virgin most Renowned, Virgin most Powerful: pray for us! O sovereign Lady of all things, Saint of saints, our strength and refuge, God, as it were, of the world, glory…