Our Lady, Co-redemptrix
May 27, 2011
Our Lady, Co-redemptrix
Ave Maria Meditations Mary, Co-redemptrix with Christ: The meaning of pain. Old Simeon, having blessed the young couple, turned to Mary and, inspired by the Holy Spirit, opened her eyes to the sufferings…
July 23, 2011
Video – Theologians…Do you still have objections to this dogma? – Dr. Miravalle: Mcasts121
MaryCast Specials #121 ( 00min) Play - In this episode Dr. Mark Miravalle discusses a question that Our Lady poses to the theologians who disagree that the 5th Marian dogma should be proclaimed.…
September 3, 2011
Video – Conferences #139: Miravalle – Primer 5th Marian Dogma – OLO All Nations – LI, NY
Conferences #139 - Dr. Mark Miravalle on Long Island ( 43min) >>> Play Ave Maria! At the second talk at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Island in Manorville, Long Island, NY…
February 1, 2012
Video – A Sword Pierces Mary’s Heart – Dr. Miravalle: Mcasts153
MaryCast Specials #153 ( 11min) Play - Mark Miravalle talks about the Presentation of the Lord that is celebrated on February 2 but is meditated on every time we pray the Joyful Mysteries…
February 10, 2012
Video – Lourdes and The Lady of All Nations – Dr. Miravalle: Mcasts154
MaryCast Specials #154 ( 11min) Play - Dr. Mark Miravalle talks about the apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes, its connection to the dogma of the Immaculate Conception and how this in turn…
May 10, 2012
Video – Mother’s Day – Dr. Miravalle: Mcasts160
MaryCast Specials #160 ( 09min) Play - For Mother's Day (this Sunday) Dr. Mark Miravalle discusses the noble vocation of motherhood and how this relates to Mary the Mother of God as Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. To…
September 2, 2012
Video – Eucharistic Adoration, Secret Weapon – Dr. Miravalle: Mcasts169
MaryCast Specials #169 ( 11min) Play - Dr. Mark Miravalle on how Eucharistic adoration is our secret weapon and how this relates to Mary's Queenship and to her maternal role to all people as Coredemptrix,…
September 8, 2012
Video – Seven Sorrows of Mary – Dr. Miravalle: Mcasts170
MaryCast Specials #170 ( 09min) Play - Dr. Mark Miravalle explains the upcoming feast of Our Lady of Sorrows which is on September 15th, next Saturday and how it relates to her role as Coredemptrix.…
September 15, 2012
Sep 15 – Homily – Fr Bonaventure: Our Lady of Sorrows, Coredemptrix and Mediatrix
Homily #120915 ( 08min) Play- On this feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, Fr. Bonaventure explains that we have reason to share in the sorrow of Our Blessed Mother who stood at the foot…
October 28, 2012
Video – Prayer for the 5th Marian Dogma – Dr. Miravalle: Mcasts177
MaryCast Specials #177 ( 13min) Play - Dr. Mark Miravalle on the need for prayer for the proclamation of the fifth Marian Dogma of Mary as Mediatrix, Advocate and Coredemptrix for world peace.…