Homily #090822 ( 04min) Play - The joy that citizens would have if they had a perfect Queen to represent them. This is what we have in the Blessed Virgin Mary. Ave Maria!…
Ave Maria!-- August's Theme: Spiritual Aridity 23- “Sickness, lumps in the throat, caresses, holy flames, temptations, aridity and desolation are traits of the ineffable charity of God. And when the evil one wants…
No Apologies #101 -Indulgences 2 ( 04min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Today we make the point that the misuse of something doesn't render it unholy or wrong in…
Ave Maria!-- August's Theme: Spiritual Aridity “There are certain moments in which there gathers over the heaven of my soul clouds so obscure and so dark, that it does not allow me even…
Ave Maria!-- August's Theme: Spiritual Aridity 26- “Aridity is a trial of fire, wholly different, however, from the fire of this base world. Between these two fires, though, there is this similarity, that…
The heroic prayers and tears with fortitude and trust made over long years not only converted her son, Augustine, who would become one of the great Doctors of the Church, but also made…
Ave Maria!-- August's Theme: Spiritual Aridity “It is God Who permits that your heart be in aridity and darkness; therefore, it is not harshness but sweetness. Do not be discouraged in the way…
Ave Maria!-- August's Theme: Spiritual Aridity “Do not be discouraged in the face of the trials to which the Divine Mercy wishes to subject you. He still wants to try you and strengthen…
Ave Maria!-- August's Theme: Spiritual Aridity “Never lose heart; place all of your trust in God alone; await all strength from Him and do not overwhelmingly desire to be freed from the present…
Ave Maria!-- August's Theme: Spiritual Aridity “The state of the soul placed in interior straits is sad, and truly it seems to us that it is all over for us, and that, in…
Homily #090830m ( 19min) Play - We must incorporate the teachings of our Faith into our daily life. It is not enough to know our Lady is Immaculately conceived, but we need to…
No Apologies #102 - They in no way take away from Christ's redemptive act. ( 04min) >>> Play Ave Maria! In our conclusion of indulgences we continue to point out their reasonableness and…
Ave Maria!-- September's Theme: The Cross “In certain moments my soul suffers very much, and if, from time to time, this torment was not interrupted by some moment of respite, who knows what…