Ave Maria!
Thank you for your interest in helping us with this very effective apostolate providing good Catholic video on the internet. It is much appreciated. If you can help us out with a donation or even by being a monthly supporter (one year subscriptions) please see below. May God reward you! (This is for the video website of AirMaria.com. If you are looking for the Radio please go to the Radio List and select the station to which you want to donate.)
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More of these are needed to cover our basic expenses
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Capital Campaign:
- $500 Graphics Generation computer
- $200 Lightning protection for internet antennas
- $250 LED Lights
Total Needs $ 950
Raised so far $
Still need $ 950
Angel of Fatima Short Film Project:
Total needed $10,800
To reed more about this project go to GoFundMe.com.
Funds needed to keep project moving forward. This is part 1 of 3 of a short film on the appearance of the Angel of Peace in 1916 in Fatima, Portugal. The purpose is to make better know the message of Fatima; a message of peace. A message to stop wars.
Movie-Making Friars Recreate Fatima from Thing in a Pot Productions on Vimeo. And on AirMaira
Fra Didacus has been on this project for 7 months. It was shot in Bloomington, Indiana and the postproduction is being done in Taylors, S.C. Even a short video like this (In the end, maybe 20 min.) costs a bit. We are bringing into the shots a computer generated angel in order to enhance to quality. This is where most of the cost is.
The final angel will be translucent and glowing in conformity with the description of the children at Fatima, “a young man, quite transparent, and as brilliant as crystal in the rays of the sun.”
To reed more about this project go to GoFundMe.com.
One Time Donation
To make a one time donation of any amount to AirMaria’s general expenses:
E-mail us if you have any problems with these buttons. apostolate@airmaria.com
Or if you wish to send a check the address is:
Franciscans of the Immaculate
8212 W Hendricks Rd.
Bloomington, IN 47403
Make checks payable to “AirMaria“. Donations are tax deductible.
And Non-Financial Help is Needed:
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Thank You!
Ave Maria!