January 31, 2015
Video – Variety 257: March for LIFE DC 2015: We Must Fight For Life
Variety #257 - ( 10min) >>> Play Ave Maria! The "March for Life" was a peaceful demonstration/rally held in Washington, D.C., on January 22, 2015. Here are mini interviews of some participants and footage…

March 29, 2015
Mar 29 – Homily – Fr Matthias: Christ Reigns From the Cross
Homily #150329n ( 19min) Play - Father compares the gospel from the blessing of the Palms to the Passion read during Mass, and observes that in less than a week, the people went…

May 29, 2015
May 29 – Homily – Fr Matthias: Miracles Through Mary
Homily #150529n ( 08min) Play - Father Matthias tells us God works miracles and prodigies in order to strengthen our faith, and He especially delights in working them through the Virgin Mary. In…

August 12, 2015
Aug 12 – Homily – Fr Maximilian W: Say Yes Every Day
Homily #150812n ( 04min) Play - Father gives us a short biography of today's saint -- wife, mother, foundress, religious -- and speaks of her teaching on the "martyrdom of love" that we…

August 24, 2015
Fall River Pro-Life Boot-camp – Variety 275
Variety #275 - ( 10min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Several interviews with the organizers of the 2015 Pro-Life Boot Camp in the Diocese of Fall River, Massachusetts. The video was filmed at the…

December 4, 2015
Dec 04 – Homily – Fr Peter: Spiritual Blindness
Homily #151204 ( 03min) Play - Blindness is a reminder of the spiritual blindness we come into the world with. The cure of the two blind men of the reminds us of more miraculous…

Petition Prayer to St. Maria Goretti
July 6, 2018
Petition Prayer to St. Maria Goretti
Ave Maria Meditations Oh Saint Maria Goretti who, strengthened by God's grace, did not hesitate even at the age of twelve to shed your blood and sacrifice life itself to defend your virginal…

A Novena Prayer to St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows
February 27, 2019
A Novena Prayer to St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows
Ave Maria Meditations O good St. Gabriel, God inspired thee to see the Passion of Jesus as it was reflected in the heart of Mary. By her side, thou did stand beneath the…

A Prayer to St. Agnes to Protect the Young
January 21, 2020
A Prayer to St. Agnes to Protect the Young
Ave Maria Meditations O Little St. Agnes, so young and yet made so strong and wise by the power of God, protect by your prayers all the young people of every place whose…

More than One Way to Kill Innocents/Innocence
December 28, 2022
More than One Way to Kill Innocents/Innocence
Ave Maria Meditations As terrible as was the murder of the babies of Bethlehem when the wicked king sought to kill the baby Jesus, the "murder" of the innocence of children in this…

Not too Young to Give her Life for Christ: St. Agnes
January 20, 2023
Not too Young to Give her Life for Christ: St. Agnes
Ave Maria Meditations: On January 21st the Church celebrates the memorial of St. Agnes, virgin and martyr. She came from a noble Roman family and was about thirteen years old when she suffered martyrdom.…