May 28, 2015
May 28 – Homily – Fr Joachim: The Lily of Quito
Homily #150528n ( 09min) Play - Father gives us an overview of the life of St. Mariana of Jesus de Paredes, also known as the Lily of Quito. Her life of continual prayer,…

June 22, 2015
Jun 22 – Homily – Fr Joachim: Stop Judging!?
Homily #150622n ( 07min) Play - Father speaks on today's Gospel, and further explains what Jesus did and did not mean when he told us "Judge not." We can judge actions, we must.…

St. Thomas More: Franciscan Martyr
June 22, 2015
St. Thomas More: Franciscan Martyr
Ave Maria Meditations Sir Thomas More would not compromise on two tenets of the Catholic faith: the primacy of the papacy and the dignity of marriage. When imprisoned before his martyrdom, he would…

June 25, 2015
Jun 25 – Homily – Fr Joachim: Lay the Foundation NOW
Homily #150625n ( 03min) Play - Today Gospel reading is a wake-up call, Fr. Joachim tells us, that we must not replace God with doing things for God, but continue in relationship with…

A Prayer for Freedom
July 3, 2015
A Prayer for Freedom
Ave Maria Meditations O God, our Creator, from your provident hand we have received our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You have called us as your people and given…

July 12, 2015
Jul 12 – Homily – Fr Joachim: Being a Prophet is Tough
Homily #150712n ( 05min) Play - Father reflects on the prophetic calling of the Church, and tells us that while many want the message to change, the Truth brought by Christ will not,…

July 13, 2015
Jul 13 – Homily – Fr Joachim: A God-Fearing King
Homily #150713n ( 08min) Play - Father gives us a short biography of St. Henry. He comments on a dream he had where "After six" was written on the wall. Henry interpreted this…

July 20, 2015
Jul 20 – Homily – Fr Joachim: Following Jesus is Risky
Homily #150720n ( 06min) Play - St. Apollinaris is a martyr from the early Church--he was martyred in 79AD--and Father Joachim tells us about his life and sufferings for Christ. Following Jesus involves…

August 14, 2015
Aug 14 – Homily – Fr Matthias: St. Maximilian’s Greatest Work
Homily #150814n ( 06min) Play - Saint Maximilian Kolbe did many great things, but all of them were means to his driving goal: to become more and more the Immaculate's. Father quotes from…