September 17, 2007
Video – Face of Pro-life #12: 40 Days for Life
Face of Pro-Life #12 - Corinn Dahm and Nicole Peck on 40 days for life, the Nationwide Prayer Phenomenon (29min) >>> Play ? ? ? Ave Maria! Corinn Dahm and Nicole Peck discuss…

September 21, 2007
Video – Roving Reporter #13: State Capitol Rally for Family
Roving Reporter #13 - Peter Wolfgang sends a message to the CT Supreme Court (8min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Our 500th Post!! Deo Gratias! Peter Wolfgang, Executive Director of the Family Institute of…

September 26, 2007
Video – Roving Reporter #14: 40 Days for Life, Norwich, CT
Roving Reporter #14 - Friar Roderic Mary talks with Corinn Dahm, who was instrumental in organizing the "40 Days for Life" in Norwich, and has often been seen here at AirMaria on "The…

One Stop Resource for Combating Heretic Politicians
October 5, 2007
One Stop Resource for Combating Heretic Politicians
Bookmark Archbishop Burke.

October 6, 2007
Video – Roving Reporter #17: Fr Angelo at the Start of the 40 Days for Life in Norwich, CT
Roving Reporter #17 - Our Roving Reporter, Friar Roderic Mary, didn't have to roam very far to catch up with Fr Angelo Geiger at the Abortion Clinic in Norwich for the start of…
Father Peter Damian Fehlner, S.T.D. Weighs in on Plan B in Connecticut
Fr. Peter writes: The reflection of Fr. Euteneuer is far and away the best commentary on the recent statement of the Connecticut bishops permitting the use of Plan B in Catholic hospitals. Effectively,…
Father Peter Damian Fehlner, S.T.D. Weighs in on Plan B in Connecticut. (Continued)
October 20, 2007
Father Peter Damian Fehlner, S.T.D. Weighs in on Plan B in Connecticut. (Continued)
This is a response to comments on the article I posted on October 9th titled, Father Peter Damian Fehlner, S.T.D. Weighs in on Plan B in Connecticut?about the recent statement of the Connecticut…
Fr. Peter vs. Plan B the Battle Continues
October 24, 2007
Fr. Peter vs. Plan B the Battle Continues
Ave Maria! In a third installment on Plan B in Connecticut Fr. Peter answers comments from his two previous posts: Father Peter Damian Fehlner, S.T.D. Weighs in on Plan B in Connecticut?and the…
Fr. Peter Fehlner’s Last Word on Plan B
October 29, 2007
Fr. Peter Fehlner’s Last Word on Plan B
Ave?Maria!? Here is the last word from Fr. Peter on this subject. It is meant to address comments in discussions going on here at AirMaria: Father Peter Damian Fehlner, S.T.D. Weighs in on…

November 5, 2007
Video – FiNews #28: Corinn Dahm – 40 Days for Life Candlelight Vigil
FI News #28 - Corinn Dahm outside the Abortion Mill in Norwich, CT. (04min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Last night (Sunday 4th November, 07) was the end of the official 40 Days for…

Video – Immaculate Music – Sing-A-Long: Lookout Little One
November 8, 2007
Video – Immaculate Music – Sing-A-Long: Lookout Little One
Immaculate Music #12 - God is present in our lives, be good (3min) >>> Play Ave Maria! This latest video of the series: "Immaculate Music" is all about God being present and…
An Atheist’s Analysis of the Catholic Political Conscience
November 18, 2007
An Atheist’s Analysis of the Catholic Political Conscience
Allahpundit, whose atheism is a matter of public record, is a well known conservative blogger and contributor to Michelle Malkin's HotAir. His perception on the formation of the Catholic conscience in the United…
Cardinal Body Slam
November 19, 2007
Cardinal Body Slam
From CNS on Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship: Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley of Boston drew national attention when he told The Boston Globe daily newspaper after the vote that the Democratic Party "has…

November 21, 2007
Video – Face of Pro-life #13: Witness, Healing from Abortion
Face of Pro-Life #13 - Corinn Dahm with her guest Lisa Martin who gives an incredible witnesses about the pain of abortion (29min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Part 1 of 2 Corinn Dahm…