June 25, 2015
Jun 25 – Homily – Fr Joachim: Lay the Foundation NOW
Homily #150625n ( 03min) Play - Today Gospel reading is a wake-up call, Fr. Joachim tells us, that we must not replace God with doing things for God, but continue in relationship with…

June 26, 2015
Jun 26 – Homily – Fr Matthias: Pope Francis and Mercy
Homily #150626n ( 07min) Play - Several weeks ago, Pope Francis used the passage of Jesus healing the leper, the Gospel of today's Mass, to speak of the mercy of God. He said…

July 12, 2015
Jul 12 – Homily – Fr Joachim: Being a Prophet is Tough
Homily #150712n ( 05min) Play - Father reflects on the prophetic calling of the Church, and tells us that while many want the message to change, the Truth brought by Christ will not,…

July 13, 2015
Jul 13 – Homily – Fr Joachim: A God-Fearing King
Homily #150713n ( 08min) Play - Father gives us a short biography of St. Henry. He comments on a dream he had where "After six" was written on the wall. Henry interpreted this…

August 14, 2015
Aug 14 – Homily – Fr Matthias: St. Maximilian’s Greatest Work
Homily #150814n ( 06min) Play - Saint Maximilian Kolbe did many great things, but all of them were means to his driving goal: to become more and more the Immaculate's. Father quotes from…

August 24, 2015
Fall River Pro-Life Boot-camp – Variety 275
Variety #275 - ( 10min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Several interviews with the organizers of the 2015 Pro-Life Boot Camp in the Diocese of Fall River, Massachusetts. The video was filmed at the…

From Evangelium Vitae as the 40 Days for Life begins Nationwide
September 22, 2015
From Evangelium Vitae as the 40 Days for Life begins Nationwide
Ave Maria Meditations The 40 Days for Life runs from September 23rd-November 1st, 2015 1. The Gospel of life is at the heart of Jesus' message. Lovingly received day after day by the…

December 28, 2015
Dec 27 – Homily – Fr Matthias: Which He Himself Formed…
Homily #151227n ( 16min) Play - When God came into the world, he came "in a family which he himself had formed" as Pope Francis recently said. This shows how important the family--mother,…

Compassion that Cures
January 28, 2016
Compassion that Cures
Ave Maria Meditations In Haiti just as in England, Spain, Italy, or India there are unhappy people everywhere. Not only because they don't have any bread to eat. No, they hunger for love,…

April 5, 2016
Variety #293 – Fra Solanus talks about the 1916 Easter Rising and the Faith of the Leaders
Variety #293 - Fra Solanus talks about the 1916 Easter Rising and the Faith of the Leaders ( 38min) >>> Play Ave Maria! This year, 2016, sees the celebration of the centenary of…