August 6, 2007
Aug.6 – Fr. Bonaventure: The Transfiguration
Homilies #129 - Monday Homily (13min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Listen now to Father's inspiring and informative homily on the Transfiguration of Our Lord. Ave Maria!
August 7, 2007
Aug 7 Fr. Bonaventure: Bls Agathangelus and Cassian
Homilies #130 - Type Fr. Bonaventure on Bls Agathangelus and Cassian and martyrdom (5min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Blesseds Agathangelus and Cassian, priests and martyrs of 1st Order Franciscans is the subject of…

August 8, 2007
Aug 8 – Fr Bonaventure: Saint Dominic
Homilies #131 - Fr. Bonaventure on St. Dominic (12min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Fr. Bonaventure preaches the homily on the feast of St. Dominic. And, yes, we celebrate this as a liturgical feast…

August 11, 2007
Aug 11 – Fr. Bonaventure: St. Clare of Assisi
Homilies #132 - Fr. Bonaventure on St. Clare of Assisi (12min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Fr. Bonaventure preaches the homily on the feast of St. Clare of Assisi who started the Poor Clares…

August 24, 2007
Aug 24 – Fr. Bonaventure: St. Bartholmew
Homilies #144 - Fr Bonaventure on St. Bartholmew (5min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Our 400th Post!!Deo Gratias! Fr. Bonaventure relates today's Gospel to the life of St. Bartholmew. The apostle who "had no…
August 28, 2007
Aug 28 – Fr Bonaventure Maria, F.I. – St. Augustine
Homilies #146 - The life of St. Augustine(6min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Fr. Bonaventure reflects on the life of St. Augustine and today's Gospel. Born of a pagan father and a Christian…
August 30, 2007
Aug 30 – Fr Bonaventure Maria, F.I. – Forgetfulness of God
Homilies #148 - When we forget God(7min) >>> Play Ave Maria! In today's readings Fr Bonaventure talks about the forgetfulness of God. One of the effects of original sin and our own personal…
August 31, 2007
Aug 31 – Fr Bonaventure Maria, F.I. – The Need for Prayer
Homilies #149 - Keep the flame burning(6min) >>> Play Ave Maria! One of the many meanings of today's Gospel the torches are our hearts burning with divine love. We must keep vigilante in…
September 1, 2007
Sept 1 – Fr Bonaventure Maria, F.I. – What It Takes To Save Our Souls
Homilies #150 - What it takes to save our souls (8.5min) >>> Play Ave Maria! The parable of today's Gospel gives us a summary of what it takes to save our souls. When…
September 11, 2007
Sept 11 – Fr. Bonaventure Maria, F.I. – We have a Dogmatic Faith
Homilies #158 - We have a dogmatic faith(12min) >>> Play ? ? ? Ave Maria! ? The whole crowed was trying to touch him because power went from him which cured all. We…
September 13, 2007
Sept 12 – Fr. Bonaventure Maria, F.I. – Most Holy Name of the Virgin Mary
Homilies #159 - The Most Holy Name of Mary (8min) >>> Play ? ? ? Ave Maria! Today's feast of the Most Holy Name of Mary we commemorate all the privileges given to…
September 13, 2007
Sept 13 – Fr. Bonaventure Maria, F.I. – St John Chrysostom
Homilies #160 - St John Chysostom (7min) >>> Play ? ? ? Ave Maria! Today we celebrate in the life of the Church a Doctor of the Church Saint John Chrysostom whom??today's Gospel?truly…
September 14, 2007
Sept 14 – Fr. Bonaventure Maria, F.I. – The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Homilies #161 - The true nature of the cross (8min) >>> Play ? ? ? Ave Maria! So must the Son of Man be lifted up and so we reflect on the lifting…