May 26 – Homily – Fr Benedict: St. Phillip Neri, Saint of Joy
Homily #140526 ( 10min) Play - St. Phillip Neri is called the saint of joy, which is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Ave Maria! Mass: St. Philip Neri - Mem - Form: OF Readings: Monday…

June 16, 2014
Jun 15 – Homily – Fr Benedict: God, The Holy Trinity
Homily #140615 ( 21min) Play - The three Persons of the Holy Trinity, One God, their mystery and relationship to one another, to us, and to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Ave Maria! Mass:…

June 17, 2014
Jun 16 – Homily – Fr Benedict: Meekness
Homily #140616 ( 10min) Play - Our Lord calls us to practice meekness in speech and conduct, teaching us to advance in small degrees toward greater perfection. Ave Maria! Mass: Monday 11th Week of…

June 18, 2014
Jun 17 – Homily – Fr Benedict: Be Holy, Meek, and Humble
Homily #140617 ( 12min) Play - Our Lord commands us to be holy, meek, and humble. Ave Maria! Mass: Tuesday 11th Week of Ordinary Time - Wkdy - Form: OF Readings: 1st: 1ki 21:17-29 Resp:…