May 19, 2014
Month of Mary 19 – Face to Face With Jesus
Month of Mary #19 ( 07min) Play - After seeing Mother Teresa's letter yesterday, today we look at the role of Our Lady in Mother Teresa's "call within a call". First, Father Joachim comments…

May 22, 2014
May 22 – Homily – Fr Joachim: St. Rita of Cascia
Homily #140522n ( 06min) Play - Father Joachim introduces us to the life of St. Rita, and encourages us to imitate her spirit of long-suffering, mortification, and penance. Her example is particularly helpful…

May 25, 2014
Month of Mary 25 – Mary’s Preparation
Month of Mary #25 ( 10min) Play - Today we start a reflection on what we know of Mary's life, described as Her "retreat", and how God prepared Her for the role He…

May 26, 2014
May 26 – Homily – Fr Joachim: St. Philip Neri
Homily #140526n ( 09min) Play - Fr. Joachim gives us an overview of St. Philip Neri's life and vocation, and encourages us to imitate his example of joyful service to God and finding our…

May 26, 2014
Month of Mary 26 – Mary’s Preparation (cont.)
Month of Mary #26 ( 06min) Play - Today we continue reflecting on Our Lord's preparation of Mary for Her role as spiritual mother and mediatrix. We focus on the Wedding at Cana, examining…

May 28, 2014
Month of Mary 28 – And He Took Her Into His Home
Month of Mary #28 ( 07min) Play - Having looked as St. John Paul II's teachings on the preparation Mary was lead through, we now look at what he says about Marian Consecration,…

May 29, 2014
May 29 – Homily – Fr Joachim: No Backup Plan
Homily #140529n ( 04min) Play - Father Joachim's relates a catechetical tale reminding us that God doesn't have a backup plan for evangelizing the world, we are the plan. Do we use the gifts…

June 2, 2014
Jun 02 – Homily – Fr Joachim: The Courage of Martyrs
Homily #140602n ( 04min) Play - Father gives us an overview of the lives and deaths of the martyrs we remember today, and encourages us to pray for the same courage they had,…

June 26, 2014
Jun 26 – Homily – Fr Joachim: Do Good and also Pray
Homily #140626b ( 04min) Play - Fr. Joachim on how we need to do good works but these must not replace our need to spend time in prayer, which is the foundation of…

June 28, 2014
Jun 28 – Homily – Fr Joachim: Pondering Immaculate Heart
Homily #140628b ( 05min) Play - Fr. Joachim on how Mary pondered in her Immaculate Heart all the amazing events in the life of Jesus, her Son. We should do likewise. Ave Maria!…