June 2, 2022
A Happy Priest Gives Thanks for his Vocation
Ave Maria! Fr. Joachim Mary Mudd, FI, was moved to express his gratitude for his life as a religious and priest on the occasion of his Silver Jubilee (25 years) of ordination to…
June 14, 2022
Pilgrimage to the Catholic Shrines of Japan, Spring 2023
Ave Maria! Fr. Elias Mills, FI is leading a 14-day pilgrimage to the Catholic Shrines of Japan from March 15–28, 2023. Come join him for a truly unique spiritual and cultural journey that…
September 13, 2022
Feast of the Triumph of the Holy Cross
Ave Maria! This is a short video of the new cross outside our Bloomington friary on top of the hill. We play it almost daily at the end of the live stream for…
January 30, 2023
Consider a Catholic Pilgrimage to Japan [ But HURRRY! :) ]
Ave Maria! Update on our Catholic Pilgrimage to Japan New Dates March Apr 19 - May 2, 2023 We need three or four more people by Fri Feb 3rd. Please pass the word…
April 15, 2023
Pray with Fr. Elias in Japan
Ave Maria! Fr. Elias is heading to Japan with a group on a pilgrimage to the Catholic sites there. He wants us to keep them all in our prayers and especially to pray…
April 17, 2023
A Rough Start
Ave Maria! Departure delays at the airport postpone the beginning of the pilgrimage to Japan. Father Elias renews his request for prayers for a successful pilgrimage. +++
April 26, 2023
Homily at Mugenzai no Sono
Ave Maria! Fr. Elias gives a homily during a Mass celebrated in the Memorial Chapel in Hongochi Church in Nagasaki, in what was the site of Mugenzai no Sono, the friary established by…
April 30, 2023
Martyrs and Mary
Ave Maria! Fr. Elias begins this video by speaking briefly about the Shimabara martyrs and details the inspiring martyrdom of Paul Uchibori and concludes it with a visit to the largest wooden Virgin…
May 8, 2023
Star Wars in Japan
Ave Maria! A short presentation of the traffic guards of Japan in action. +++
May 24, 2023
Church and State
Ave Maria! A brief visit to a church and a castle in Kumamoto, Japan. +++
June 2, 2023
Visiting Sister Agnes Sasagawa
Ave Maria! Visiting a care home in Kumamoto, Japan to speak with Sister Agnes Sasagawa, visionary of Our Lady of Akita. +++